lundi 23 mars 2020

Time on my hands or not

I do not understand why people fear isolation. Shortage of food and essentials of course I get it. I have just realised that I have a limited amount of washing powder. So now I am wondering how many days I should go without changing my clothes and bed sheets. But isolated from people in this age of telephones, mobiles, landlines, smartphones and Skype? 
Looking back I think the most difficult alone time for me was when my babies were both in nappies. It was a very cold winter. Going out was a problem with them and I obviously couldn't leave them alone. My husband left the house at 7.30 in the morning and returned at 7.00 in the evening and when he came home he watched TV til bedtime.
 I did read a lot. I was also a keen knitter. 
Image result for images of hand knits

But I can vividly remember the need for conversation.
At that time we had no car, no telephone and the shops were a mile away up a hill.
HOWEVER The milkman came every day , the bread-man 3 times a week, the butcher 3 times a week and my groceries were delivered on Friday and green groceries were delivered on Saturday.
I know in this computer-driven age I could order on line but my arthritic fingers have trouble pressing the buttons. I make so many mistakes. My last delivery contained 2 enormous steaks and as I am a vegetarian I am sure I didn't order them intentionally. 

Yesterday  I did look on line to see if I could order some groceries only to find that no slot are available. 
I think what I am trying to say is that isolation for me is no problem. Lack of food is going to be.  
The fact is I have so many things I want to do I am not sure where to start. Writing this blog is one. As I have been writing it all morning I think i will change to a different activity. Cooking perhaps.
This is a my favourite recipe but I am usually too lazy to cook it. I hate cooking largely because I usually  prefer to be doing something else.  But given my circumstances I am going to do it today. You can see that it has been well used.

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