mercredi 27 décembre 2017

Very useful tips

Le Vent

Ce matin, je me suis levé à six heures parce que le vent était si fort que j'ai entendu gémir et briser les branches des arbres du bois. J'ai regardé par la fenêtre et j'ai vu des grands nuages qui passaient sur la lune.

mardi 5 décembre 2017

Latest Thoughts

After reading a book about people who made positive contributions in the past, not only to the UK but to the whole world. I then thought about the women and men who are prominent in our society today.
Where are the women and men of intelligence and integrity? They are certainly not in parliament. Is that because they are too wise to get involved in a system which is not only corrupt but dangerous and harmful to the majority of citizens?
 We are bombarded with news and images which show a bankrupt culture which is depressing. I see and hear nothing which is uplifting or enlightening. It is so depressing watching audiences screaming and applauding  "talent".

lundi 4 décembre 2017

Dimanche le 3 Decembre

 Image result for images of moncontour

Hier je suis allée avec une amie à Moncontour  pour  danser. C'était un Fez Nos pour  le Téléthon. Moncontour est  une ville spécial. Nous avons dansé dans une salle  avec une belle vue qui don sur  tous les toits de Moncontour incluant l'église et plus loin le paysage.

Image result for Images of Moncontour
Il y a une table plein des gateaux, crepes et boisson étaient délicieuses. En plus nous avons appris a  nouveau danse. C'était une superbe dimanche après midi.

samedi 2 décembre 2017


I have a saying on my kitchen wall which reads-
 "Inaction has consequences too."
 How true. I have just been reading older posts which imply that I am going to do so many new activities and lists lots of ideas. I am afraid that very little has changed. I continue to spend most of my time in the garden although it is getting more difficult each day. 
I have installed a sports programme on the TV which means that I can watch all the tennis.
 But recently I did have yet another new idea. I hope to make this one work.
I intend to write on this blog in French occasionally. I do work every day on my French but this will  add a new dimension to my learning.