lundi 23 mai 2011

Not blocked but no time

I haven't written anything for what seems like ages. My excuse is that I do not function in hot weather and boy has it been hot.
I did read a poem at the Balade Poesie in the new communal garden.
The poem was called La Grenouille- the frog. I thought that this was amusing since English people refer to french people as frogs and the French call English people ros-bif (roast beef).
 The word is known to be difficult to pronounce and as it was a poem there were lots of words which rhymed with it and were equally difficult to pronounce. So I dressed in green and hoped that it gave people a laugh.

mardi 10 mai 2011

Writing Magazine

The Writing Magazine has given me new impetus and I have a list of things to write:-
The Short Short Story  750 words
The New Subscribers Short Story comp which is free
The Adult Fairy Story comp

I also have a list of articles for mags in preparation:-
French Property News
Royal Horticultural Society
Now I have to rise early every morning to get them edited.