vendredi 25 septembre 2020


 Quote from "Notes from the Garden"

What an onlooker may see as an undistinguished agglomeration of plants is often to its creator--


I want to paint this on the entrance gate to my garden.

lundi 7 septembre 2020

In Memoriam

Ideas. They come and go. They enter my brain then fade away. Trying to reach them is like grasping at smoke. 


Standing barefoot on cold marble,

Stroking slabs of stone,

Feeling hard ebony,

But falling through clouds.

Hungering to hold him,

Yearning to enfold him,

To fill this hollow,

 In my breast.


Reaching arms encircling,

Clutching at swirling mist,

Craving the cessation,

Of this endlessness -

I kneel and my hand caresses,

Not baby soft skin,

But hard as iron,

His oaken coffin.

Returning to self

 Today I felt that I was me. I feel as though I left my heart and soul in France. The removal van brought my boxes of stuff and furniture and my cats and my body. But not me, not my soul. 

Today I think it travelled here and entered my body. I really want to write and have ideas. 

Recently I have read years of entries to this blog and I think that helped me to return to myself. My head, my body and soul have been lingering in France. Moving into this room with windows overlooking my garden and the mature tree out front have grounded me here.

Nothing is easy.

 So I am trying to use my newly organised bedroom which will be my studio/writing room.

One of the main reason I have done this is so that I can write without the temptation to watch the TV. Later when I am ready to paint there will be more room to paint the big painting I have in mind. I have always maintained that one must have a project. Something to get up for in the morning, something to aim for and to occupy one's mind.

jeudi 3 septembre 2020

Letter to Mslexia

Just received the latest Mslexia sept/oct / Nov / and yes they have printed my letter. It is quite rewarding to see even a letter in print. I am thinking about entering the Poetry Competition. I don't read much poetry but i do occasionally write it. One poem in particular came to mind . I shall try to find it tomorrow.