lundi 12 septembre 2022

More Joly merry and Bright


Piano Recital

Last evening, I drove about 20 miles on empty roads through beautiful countryside to a tiny village church to listen to a world class pianist, Louis Lancien, play Brahms,
Chopin and Liszt. All of 16 years old, he has already played in Minsk, Paris, Mexico, Berlin and many places in France.
After the concert the audience were invited back to the organiser's house for drinks where we talked with his parents. Louis is the youngest child of six brothers and sisters. They all play an instrument including the father but excepting the mother! They were proud parents, and this was the last tour for them. Louis is going into the big wide world to make it or not alone. Next on the list are Germany, Paris again, Japan and many other venues.
I am frequently surprised at the generous hospitality, warmth and friendliness and modesty of everyone here. I never fail to be amazed at the choice and variety of music available to me on my doorstep.
And I drove home again on clear roads by the light of the full moon.
I saw an owl. My friend tells me that an owl at night means good weather tomorrow, an owl in the morning take warning.

Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup

What happened to sport? Am I naive? I still believe that sport/games should be an amateur pastime not professional. Tennis seems to have retained sportsmanship why not football?
It makes me think about ' 1984' are they really fighting a war out there? I suppose it is better than machine gunning or dropping bombs or gassing but aren't we doing that too?
I only watched out of a sense of loyalty to France but now feel ashamed. Italy didn't come out of it in a very good light either did they, nor I hear did the England team.

Tour de France

I wanted to film the cyclists since they were passing so close to my house. As I was walking to the nearest village along the 'route' I called 'bon appetite' to all the groups who had set up tables and chairs by the roadside and in fields to eat lunch. In Brittany you have to 'dejeuner' at 12 noon it's the law. I said hello to people I knew with the usual doubts as to how many kisses, anything from one to six and sometimes just a handshake but always involving touch of some kind. I am convinced that is the reason that Bretons live so long combined with the outdoor life and tradition of growing thier own veg and meat. I was carried along the two mile walk by the festive atmosphere of the crowds lining the route. On reaching the village I bought a' sausisson galette' from one of the many stalls. (I am mostly vegetarian but feel like a traitor if I don't join in the local traditions.) I found a spot by the church wall to steady my camera and waited. I had missed the freebies which are thrown from the cavalcade of vans and cars to keep the crowds happy whilst waiting for the cyclists. Like French trains they arrived spot on time. The crowds cheered like mad for all of five minutes as they sped past at 60 miles an hour then as one, they turned to their cars and went their way. After a cup of coffee in the bar I walked back along a changed route. Just yards beyond the village sign I was alone in the countryside. No cars no people just fields, trees, birds and cows. I have the best of both worlds. Complete solitude and tranquillity or I can choose to join in the frequent low key community events.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Learning Curve

I seem to have published my last post twice. I'm still not sure of the procedures!!

Thinking about my favourite books led me to thinking about books which have helped me when I was depressed. Anything by Dorothy Rowe is good but especially 'Beyond Fear'. At the moment I am reading 'The Van Gogh Blues' for the second time and doing the exercises which are proving to be successful.
They both stress how important it is for us to have/make meaning in our lives. Hard to do when we are surrounded by war and injustice. We can but strive.

Books and Depression

Thinking about my favourite books led me to thinking about books which have helped me when I was depressed. Anything by Dorothy Rowe is good but especially 'Beyond Fear'. At the moment I am reading 'The Van Gogh Blues' for the second time and doing the exercises which are proving to be successful.
They both stress how important it is for us to have/make meaning in our lives. Hard to do when we are surrounded by war and injustice. We can but strive.

Exercise and Fun

Yesterday I decided that my writing muscle had, had enough exercise for the day but the rest of my muscles needed exercising, so I went for a swim. It is wonderful to be able to swim up and down an almost empty pool in any season and then jump into a hot jacuzzi to relax before driving home on empty roads.
The garden looks very drab and sad this morning after a night of much needed rain.
Sunday promises to be a full day of fun. The Tour de France is due to pass through the next village, 2kms away. They have organised car boot, food stalls and a ball (that's dancing). There is also the annual music festival at Bobital, 20 kms away, not to be missed and of course the cup final which is going to be shown on a big screen in the town's cinema 8kms away.
I'm not really a fan of football but I have to watch the final of a world cup match in which the country where I live are finalists.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Evening walk

Last evening, we were supposed to have an end of season party with the gym group, the walking group and the Breton dance group. The event was cancelled because of 'the match' and also because of the thunderstorms we'd been having all day. Some of us turned up anyway and as it was warm and sunny and not raining, we decided to walk to a nearby chapel. The two musicians led the little group playing traditional Breton tunes on their traditional bagpipes and clarinets.
When we reached the chapel, we went inside and danced.
On the return we walked towards the sunset and continually had to pause to look at the stunning cloud formations. Large, multicoloured and billowing one minute, the next completely striated across the horizon. I regretted not having my camera because a series of photo's would have been useful to provide an exercise for sky painting.
On my way home I called at a neighbour's to find out the score. Hurrah for France. 1-0

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

After the storm

I didn't sleep in the van after all as an almighty thunderstorm threatened just before bedtime. It thundered and lightened most of the night. I have just inspected the damage to my garden which has been thirsting for water. The rain must have been heavy as my front door fuscias are almost flattened but happily there are two fragile, deep red, poppies standing very straight and tall.
Last week I met a couple at a boules match who proudly showed me their secret garden. It was truly magical with winding paths and water features totally enclosed by shrubs and trees and flowers. There were many nooks under the branches with inviting seats to shelter from the sweltering heat. This morning I saw that my acre looked more like a car park than a garden. I have much planting to do this Autumn to realise my dream out there.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

beating the heat

Last night I slept in a tent on my lawn. The noises the animals made were amazing. Tonight, I am going to sleep in my van so that I can look out the window and maybe spot what is making these weird noises.

First try

After four new hard drives in 18 months, I was just about to ditch computers writing and everything then I found some bloggers. I am writing this to overcome Writers' Doubt syndrome. If you suffer from it log on to Donna-Lane Nelson's website. It helped me.

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