samedi 11 décembre 2021

New Quote


“Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.”

― La Bruyere

Pain and suffering are always
inevitable for a large intelligence
and a deep heart.
The really great men must,
I think, have great sadness on earth.
~ Fyodor Dostoevsky

I get a lot of insight and sometimes direction from quotes from other people. I have just spent my precious time, two hours of it, searching for a quote which I thought was pinned up on the wall in my writing room. Lucky me having a 'room of my own' in fact a house of my own. The problem is Virginia I still don't write enough because I also have a garden of my own. Anyway back to the point. The quote I was looking for was about choosing everyday whether to be alone or to be with other people. That was my problem for a long time. Now my problem is to garden or to write.

The search for the quote started firstly from a comment from a friend who had been feeling down through loneliness but at the same time wanting to get on with jobs at home. Secondly I opened a book this morning, a biography of Georgia O'Keefe and was bowled over by a quote from her. This set me off on my search.

One works because it is the most interesting thing one knows to do. The day one works are the best days. On the other days one is hurrying through the other things one imagines one has to do to keep one's life going. You get the garden planted. You get the roof fixed. You take the dog for a walk. You spend the day with a friend...You may even enjoy doing such things...But always you are hurrying through these things with a certain amount of aggravation so that you can get at the paintings again because that is the high- in a way it is what you do all the other things for...The painting is like a thread that runs through all the reasons for all the other things that make one's life.

This applies to me except the 'work' has changed from weaving to painting, to writing and now it seems to be gardening. And also for the past ten years learning French.

 The interesting idea which has come through is that the first quote comes first. No matter what the 'work' is I have to be alone and when I go to bed I like to know that I have achieved.

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