mercredi 1 septembre 2021

Woman's Hour

 I sent an email to Woman's Hour To ask them if they were going to cover the 40th Anniversary of the Start of the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. I received an automated reply.

Thank you for contacting Woman's Hour. We do appreciate your comments and would like to assure you that E mails are reviewed regularly by the production team. However, we receive a considerable number of messages each  day so we cannot respond individually.

So I have no idea whether today's programme which covered the walk and interviewed some of the walkers was the result of my letter.

I feel that it would have been good for me to have had a reply which either thanked me for the info or informed me that they were going to do what I suggested.

Years ago I sent 2 copies of a book I had published which dealt with a topic that they were dealing with at the time. I did not get any kind of reply at all not even to say that they had received the books.

For all I know they could have binned them without even reading the forward but the least I expected was an acknowledgement that they had been received.

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