mardi 1 juin 2021

I am just an ordinary woman

Keep on Keeping on or as the French say, Bon Continuation.

How can I write when I am a beige woman, well white to be precise? I am not black or disabled or suffering from a terminal disease nor have I been in a terrible accident. I am not the winner of a sports event. I have not won prizes nor do I excel in my hobbies of painting and gardening. Although I do give money to charity my activities do not warrant notoriety.

I come from an ordinary family. My parents and all my siblings and my grandchildren and great grandchildren are to date ordinary. 

I suppose reaching the age of eighty is some kind of achievement but believe me it is not an achievement which brings any kind of thrill. It brings arthritis, fatigue, and memory loss and other things which I may remember later.   

I do not have a degree in Creative Writing. I have had no success in any of the many competitions I have entered.  

There is one thing that spurs me on to write, it is Arnold Bennet's statement " the interestingness of ordinariness". It is a very awkward phrase, even clumsy. But hey if Arnold Bennet says the ordinary is interesting who am I to disagree.

Jean Wild

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