samedi 20 août 2022

Iris visits Nana's Again

It was the summer holidays again and Iris was staying at her Nana's in Brittany.  As usual Nana read Iris a bedtime story every night. The big book of fairy tales was always on the bedside table and Iris liked to choose the story. Often, very often Iris fell asleep before the end of the story. Tonight, was no exception.

Then as happened once before Iris felt a heavy weight on her feet. She sat up and saw a big black cat. 

" Hello, Pussy" she said "it's you again". 

"I don't know what you are talking about," said the cat. "My name is Sooty."

"That's right," said the witch who seemed to materialise from nowhere. "He's mine. I have come to ask for your help. But I hope you will be a little more careful than the last time we met."

"What do you mean?" asked Iris.

"Well, you did sit on a crocodile, and I had to rescue you."

"You know very well it was dark and, and---"

"Yes, yes, never mind all that I need your help."

"OK, tell me what you want me to do first then I will think about it."

"Oh, really, and I thought you were eager to help folks. You didn't hesitate when the Owl and the Pussy Cat asked for your help."

"If I had known how dangerous it was, I might have refused, and I didn't get to the wedding anyway, and I so wanted to eat with a runcible spoon."

"Yes, yes we all want to do that. This proposition is much more important than a silly wedding."

"I'm listening," said Iris putting on her dressing gown and sitting on the bed and stroking Sooty who rolled onto his back so that Iris could tickle his tummy.

"This is important. It's about female solidarity. You know of course about Snow White who is lying in a glass case and Sleeping Beauty who is in a similar predicament. Then there is Rapunzel who is stuck in a tower. What do they all have in common?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me. I am sure they are not waiting for me to --"

" They are waiting for a prince to waken them with a magical kiss and then marry them."

"That's OK, isn't it? I mean then they will live happily ever after."

"Don't be silly. Their lives will be miserable. Oh, sure they will have fancy weddings and white dresses. Then what. Boring, that's what. They won't be able to do anything. They will have servants who do everything for them. They will not be able to cook or sew or paint or write or garden or climb trees or even just run."

"Not even swim in the lake?"

"Certainly not. Now are you willing to help?"

"Sure, but I don't see what I can do."

"First of all, you need to get dressed. Wear your boots and an anorak. I will take you on my broom stick to release Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel is a bit more complicated, but I'll explain about her later." 

Iris dressed as she was told and the witch said," Now jump on my broom stick. Sooty will wait here until we return. Hold tight."

"How did we get up here? ", said Iris as they were gilding over treetops under the stars.

"Have you forgotten? I am a witch. Now hold tight and do as I say."

Iris held on very tightly as she was afraid of heights and didn't dare to look down. 

"We are going to land soon by the glass case where Snow White is asleep. I expect the seven dwarfs will appear."

"What are you talking about? Seven dwarfs? What are they going to do?"

"I expect they will want Snow White to go back to their cottage and wait hand and foot on them again. Well, let me tell you that is not going to happen not if I have anything to do with it."

The witch skilfully landed the broom stick really close to the glass case. Iris fell off onto the ground then immediately leapt to her feet. She didn't want the witch to scold her again.

"So now what?" asked Iris who was beginning to enjoy the adventure. "What's that singing?"

"Here they come Hey, Hoeing. They are in for a big surprise when they find out that they will have to find another slave. That will put an end to their hey hoeing."

"Who are they?" asked Iris.

"The seven dwarfs of course. Don't you remember.? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. All their silly names."

" Oh yes, Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy. So, what is wrong with them? "

"You are joking. How would you like to cook and clean and shop and wash and iron for all seven of them."

"Oh well when you put it like that."

" Now what we have to do is open this glass case and waken Snow-White."

"How are we going to do that?" said Iris.

"Have you forgotten I am a witch. I have lots of spells. I just have to find the right one."

"Do you have a spell book," asked Iris.

"No. I usually look on my computer in spell check. OK got it. How to open a glass case containing a Princess. This should work for Sleeping Beauty too. Do you think you can deal with the Seven Dwarfs. Don't take any non-sense from them just tell them very firmly to go away and find someone else to keep house for them.".

Iris felt very important but also nervous, but she climbed a near-by tree. (Iris was very good at climbing trees) She looked out from her position and saw the SDs.

"Cooey, Cooey, hey look up here in the tree. "

The dwarves came running and stood around the tree and looked up.

They all shouted at once. Well, all except Sneezy who kept sneezing at frequent intervals and Bashful who hid behind the tree. 

They called out, "Who are you? What's your name? What do you want? Why are you in that tree? "

"Stop shouting. I am not deaf and if you all speak at once I can't hear anyone. Listen carefully because this is very important. I suggest you sit down and open up your ears. Winnie, you all know Winnie, don't you? "

"Yes, we all know her she's 'orrible she can do magic, "Doc said and they all began muttering. 

"Shush, shush and listen to me. Winnie is going to open the glass case and Snow-white will waken up and be lifted out of the case."

"Hurrah, hurrah," shouted all the dwarves at once. 

"Will you be quiet and listen," shouted Iris. "Now I know that Snow-white has been your house-keeper and chief cook and bottle-washer--

At this point the Dwarves started muttering things like," She never had to wash no bottles, we don't drink do we lads? Certainly not and anybody who says we do is a liar."

"For Goodness' sake will you sit down and listen. "Now, when Snow-white gets out of the glass case she will not be your house-keeper, but she will go with Winnie to rescue Sleeping Beauty. Then together they will go to help Rapunzel. Is that clear?

Happy, Doc, GrumpyDopeyBashful, Sleepy, and Sneezy".

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