samedi 19 mars 2022

Mslexia Again

This was emailed to Mslexia   02/03/22 

It happens every time Mslexia arrives. I am inspired to write. 

So the latest in fiction is "Up-lit" is it?  No more misery memoirs then. I no longer want to know what the "latest is". I do not want to write in a certain genre because it is the latest. I do not want to be boxed to suit the publishers. 

I no longer want to be published. I never did. OK I lie. There was a short time when I thought that maybe? - or- perhaps? - or - well you never know? Then I read some where that J K Rowling's work was rejected 12 times before it was finally accepted.  I knew that I could never be a professional writer so I contented myself with self publishing. I entered minor competitions where I had some success. I had a few letters published in magazines. I also derived great satisfaction from reading my work to the writing groups of which I was a member.

So to continue with Mslexia's inspiration in this issue. (March April May 2022)

Extraordinary in the ordinary.   This was a sub heading in the piece about "up-lit ".  I wonder from where this expression was derived..

I love the term that Arnold Bennett used, "The interestingness of ordinariness".  I know it's clumsy but I have used it frequently.

In fact I used it on 14/08/2021 in an email to Mslexia which included

 a piece that I had written--

         Rainbow Woman I am Not

I am not an exciting, brilliant red woman,

nor a dynamic, energetic orange woman.

I am not a shining, beaming yellow woman,

nor a peaceful, calming green woman.

I am not a communicative, opinionated blue woman,

nor a shadowy, spiritual purple woman.

nor  a dainty, blushing pink woman.

I am a plain, ordinary, BEIGE woman.

BUT Arnold Bennet said that he was fascinated by

"The interestingness of ordinariness".

     by Jean Wild

I know the piece was run of the mill or even a bit pathetic but I note that the quote was, shall I say, useful?

Oh, and by the way I should come clean. I have many pseudonyms. Mostly I use Fleure Sauvage when I blog about gardening.  Jean Wild is my writer's name.  I have been over the years Victoria Richards, Victoria Wild and any combination I cared to use.  I have a few email addresses.

and the one I used to subscribe to Mslexia

These days I sign,  

Keep safe,

Freda Bateman

P.S. My self published book is called,

The Sarah Wainwright Story: Extraordinary Episodes from the Life of an Ordinary Woman

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