mercredi 25 novembre 2020

Thoughts about writing

 Reading  this morning in a book of articles about gardens I had some thoughts about writing. Melanie keeps sending me links to courses on writing and advice about writing. It occurred to me that as my writing, especially poetry comes from my soul how can anyone else help me with that.  Also there are so many rules/forms  in poetry.

Blank Verse, Rhymed poetry, Free verse, Epics, Narrative Poetry, Haiku, Pastoral poetry, Sonnet, Elegies, Odes, Limerick, Ballad, Lyric, Soliloquy and Villanelle !!!!! 

THAT'S 15,  YES 15.

You know what? I don't give a fuck because I don't care.  The words I feel come and I am satisfied if they portrait my feelings and thoughts accurately. I rearrange them to increase their efficacy then I feel satisfied with that. So if I enter a competion does my poem have to fit one of these forms? Why?

It's the same with people. We are not all the same shape and size and colour. Difference is abhorred.  That's the problem with the world.  Who is doing this to us? If we are not careful and we obey  "the rules" then we are doing it to ourselves.

What happens if we don't know the rules? I think I am writing poetry but I don't know the rules. So-----------? Where  does that leave me?

There are lots of people I have found who are willing to teach me the rules, for a price. Yes and normally a high price. Do I need to pay someone to help me to express my feelings, my inner thoughts, in fact my very soul.

You know what? I long ago realised that the reason many people who suffered from "mental illness" it was because they couldn't conform to the rules. They couldn't play the game. Some people seem not to care about conforming and many learn/pretend to play the  game knowing that it is necessary but deep inside they keep their own council. 

So damn it. I write what and how I like and fuck your rules. They are not my rules. I can't and won't play the game. 

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