vendredi 16 août 2024




27th June 2019 So, thank you sun you have helped my water lily to open. How beautiful it is.

20th June 2019 The weather is not suitable for gardening, especially for cutting the grass. There is so much to do at this time of year so I went out this morning even though rain was forecast. The first few minutes were dry and I thought that the sun would shine. How wrong I was! It started to rain but was not too bad at first. Then the rain got heavier and then became torrential. Finally, the hailstones fell. I persevered because there are so many shrubs that need severe and drastic pruning. When I entered the house for lunch tired and soaked to the skin, I had to change my clothes. Is it worth it? Of course it is.

March 2019 How welcome is the arrival and sudden appearance of the host of golden daffodils accompanied by the forsythia and primroses. The garden appears to shine like the sun.

September 2013 It was the best of years and the worst of years!

It began with warm weather bringing every thing on rather too soon.

Next it rained. Then it rained some more. And just as we thought we'd had enough it rained even more. The plants were drowning and the grass was like a bog. Lawnmowers were defeated and their wheels spun until the lawns were ruined.

Then the sun arrived. It remained day after day. It was great. The grass dried out, the lawnmowers were repaired and the grass was cut. The sun remained. Walking on the grass was like walking over concrete. The benefit was no need to cut the grass for weeks. However the newly planted flowers and shrubs sulked and refused to grow.

June 3rd 2013 The last time I tried to upload photos to this blog it was impossible so I started a new blog. I thought I would try again as it is raining and I am reluctant to work in the garden.

March 2013 I planted flowers and now they are all drowning in their own little pools. If you click on the link below you can see the Rance in flood. I took the video in Dec 2011. It is much worse today.

May 2011 Finally after weeks of sun it has just rained. Not a lot but at least I don't have to water this evening. If it rains a little more maybe I will be able to put in new plants. I have just bought even more today. I was also given a dozen tomato plants, a pheasant tree and a tall blue flower ( I have forgotten its name already). Thinking I should make labels that do not disappear. I have started to list everything in the garden. I can't believe how many different kinds of trees I have (over 20) and the garden still seems empty.

May 2011 Rain forcast for tomorrow but not a cloud today. The beds I watered ready for the dahlias and seeds are so dry you can't tell that they have been watered at all.

It is interesting that the theme in the libraries is 'water'. We have painted fish in water, we have written poems about water, we have lectures and slides about fish and water. But no rain and the local lake has been drained. What is happening?

March 2011 The garden needs the rain and so do I. It means that I can rest and I don't over do it.

Dec 8th 2011 Video of snow

Feb 2011 Lovely sunny day today. I stacked some wood and cut more of the Pampas grass; when there is a big job to do I divide it in to parts and estimate how many days it will take me to do it. I looked at the pampas and saw a circle. I thought I could cut a quarter at a time. So I have done 2 quarters ie a half.

I cut out some of the dead wood from the Mimosa. The weight of the snow in the Winter broke some of the branches. I can't believe how tall it is and that I planted it. I must take some photos of the trees I planted to remind my self that trees do grow. Each time I plant something I feel sure that it will die. I never leave enough room for things to grow then I have to move stuff.

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