vendredi 16 août 2024

War Time Memories


War Time Memories

I don't remember containers for waste food for chickens but I do remember "pig bins" in the street. This was during the war of course and I think for a few years after. Also in the street were air raid shelters. Huge concrete things. I can't remember them having doors but just door sized holes.

We, the kids, used to use them as play grounds. My memory of playing hospitals in them is very vivid. The beds were made out of house bricks. Not comfortable as you may imagine. We were all assigned roles, nurses, doctors and patients. I opted to be a patient but refused to lie on a brick bed. But you are a patient you have to lie in bed they said. In my ignorance I didn't know what the word patient meant but I though it sounded much more interesting than doctor or nurse.

I can't remember ever spending a night in a communal shelter. Oh no. We had a private shelter in the back garden. The council gave grants to people to build shelters. So armed with a plan and instructions my father who couldn't be described as a handy man set to. In spite of the jibes and laughter of the neighbours he built a very credible edifice which he furnished with bunk beds for all our family of six. On the first night of an air raid there was standing room only. The scoffing neighbours seemed to have no shame in packing into our shelter. I remember being held in my mother's arms as she stood unable to even sit down.

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