jeudi 15 août 2024

New Year 2022


New Year 2022

I am a Humanist so Christmas as most folks celebrate it leaves me not exactly cold but a little on the side lines. I don't send Xmas cards. I stopped sending them 20 years ago. I was a member of Friends of the Earth at the time and campaigning about the destruction of trees was paramount. One day I was in Partner's , standing next a veritable mountain of boxes of Xmas cards. How many trees have been destroyed to produce those I wondered.

So, not sending Xmas cards confuses or upsets some people. Sometimes I try to explain but often I think why should I. My next door neighbours are Jehovah's Witnesses so informing folks of that is all they need to say. Why should I have to go into explanations of my lifetimes philosophy and beliefs. I think it is sad that few people know what Humanism is, especially as our earth according to David Attenborough and many other scientists is doomed. The latest and biggest threat apparently which has activated many people and even big businesses is plastic. The production of and the fact that it is not biodegradable affects us all and its effect is leading to the demise of the oceans and all that lives therein. Let's not mention land fill. It really is depressing. I could go on about all this. All this, meaning the coming of the end of the world but Elaine mentioned festivities along with her suggestion to write about Christmas.

So of course with so many grand and great-grand children I can't ignore the Santa syndrome. I have even been known to dress up as the said gentleman. Jocelyn aged seven wasn't impressed. She shouted immediatley that I appeared so that everyone could hear, " It's Nanna Freda."

I received a much better reception in Brittany where I visited a number of homes without children. Funnily enough my disguise wasn't immediately uncovered and the adults were clearly delighted with my appearance. So it seems that adults are more open to a little bit of magic than children these days.

I do decorate my house and erect a tree. When I was in Brittany I was able to bring in a live one from my garden. I love lights. Winter can be dark and gloomy with few bright sunny days so I fill my house with lights. This is getting more difficult to do as the strings of lights are plastic. I hope it is not too hypocritical to do as I tell my self that I have had them for years and will have them for more years to come. I have lots of tee-lights but I am afraid they could start a fire. So brightening up winter is getting more difficult.

I do like Xmas food, nut roast with mushroom sauce, roast potatoes and loads of vegetables and Xmas pud and mince pies and Xmas cake and my favourite, sherry trifle. Did you notice that I didn't mention turkey. That is because I am a vegan. It used to be difficult being a vegan especially at Xmas but big business has recognised that there is a market for vegan food and most super markets have a vegan section. There are not many restaurants that do not have a vegan menu so eating out at Xmas is not a problem.

I feel more akin with the New Year. It feels logical and more exciting. Let's say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new. It is a time for reflection over the old and a look forward to the new. Making resolutions is a great idea isn't it? No matter that they are broken or forgotten almost as soon as they are made it shows that we have done some introspection and wish to make changes. We can always try again. I did begin to send New Year cards but therein lies the same dilema as Xmas cards as regards deforestation. PS

Which leads me to reflect that I make resolutions perhaps not daily or even monthly but frequently. I don't always keep them although, some I do. I think that it is important to reflect on ones life and to strive to improve ones behaviour. The best resolution I ever made was to give up smoking. I did this 35 years ago and that is one resolution I have kept.

My greeting for the New Year is always, I wish you Health, Wealth and Happiness. In Brittany it was important to know how many kisses to give, two to a new person, four for a friend or six for family or best friend for this reason we arrived early for meals which began at midday. As we kissed at the New Year's meeting in the Salle de Fete we said,"santé, richesse et de bonheur” with the addition of "surtout bonne sante."

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