vendredi 16 août 2024

Time Time Time


Leaving the doctor's surgery Alice knew she was fortunate that he had made time to see her. She knew that she didn't have much time today. Now she must use her time well.

'However', she thought, ' there is a lot of time before the train is due.' She wondered if it would be on time today because it was usually late. Alice decided to take time walking slowly to the station.

She passed several homeless people sitting on the pavement outside the station. ' None of them have any time to give, they are all rushing for a train,' she heard one of them say.

Alice reached in her pocket and took out the pound coin she kept for the supermarket trolly and threw it into the open violin case saying ' I have enough time today. In fact,' she said taking time to open her hand bag and finding her purse she took out a £5 note . 'I have more than enough time'.

Continuing her journey to the station she remembered that there was a book shop on the station. 'Great ' she mused. 'Book shops are always a good way to kill time. It will be time well spent too.'

At the station, in the crowd of travellers, she felt a hand on her arm. 'Do you have time to hear about Jesus? It will only take a few minutes. He can be with you for all time'.

Alice slowly lifted the hand away saying ' Sorry, today is not a good time.' and she walked quickly away and into the bookshop.

She walked around the shop taking time to read the titles. 'I won't have time to read a book on the train,' she thought. 'But what about a newspaper. Certainly not the The Times. It takes too long to read that. Along time ago I used to buy the Sunday Times. She gave it up because She didn't have time to read it all. Now a magazine would fit the bill. What about 'Time Out' .

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