dimanche 18 août 2024

Dream Holiday

My Dream Holiday

I have been fortunate in my life. I have visited many countries and holidayed in cities and seaside towns. When I was bored with lying on the beach and too afraid of cold water to swim in the sea I went on courses. I always planned to go travelling when I retired but after I moved to Brittany my plans changed. I was happy to explore Brittany which is a beautiful and interesting place.

Now back in the UK I do not drive so even outings are limited to public transport.

I am quite happy staying at home, reading, writing and painting. My Grandson provided me with a large screen TV with Amazon Prime so that I could watch tennis. I am passionate about tennis. Well to be more precise I am passionate about Rafael Nadal.

When I was in Brittany I used to watch tennis at the house of a very good friend Claudie. Now I am here in the Uk and she has moved to Pau near Biarritz.

So my dream holiday begins there.

I will take a plane to Biarritz and Claudie will meet me there. We will spend a week in a luxury hotel. Claudie will show me the best and most exciting places to see and enjoy in Biaritz. Next we will fly together to Paris after spending a few days exploring, my friend Sylvaine who lives near Paris will meet us to take us to her house which is in an amazing location on the edge of a forest.

Next, the three of us will return to Paris for the Roland Garros tennis Grand Slam. Both Sylvaine and Claudie are tennis fans. We will have tickets for every day of the two weeks duration of the tournament and of course we will be staying in a luxury hotel.

After the final we will visit the Eiffel tower and take the lift to the restaurant at the top for dinner. Then we will visit my favourite museums and art galleries in Paris. The Musee d'Orsay is my favourite so that will be on the top of the list. Next will be Rodin's Museum and Gallery. We will also spend a day in Monmartre.

Of course every day we will eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in the best restaurants and drink the finest wine and perhaps champagne.

Moving on from Paris our next destination will be to London and Wimbledon. We can either fly to Gatwick and spend a day with my son and his wife. He lives seven miles from Gatwick or we could take to the Eurostar to St Pancras. We will spend a few days in London in a luxury hotel. We will visit the National Gallery , Tate Modern and Tate Britain. Then sated with art it will be off to Wimbledon for two weeks. After the final we will spend at least two days in a spa because I think we will need a rest.

I will take the train back to Stoke, Claudie will fly back to Biaritz and Sylvaine to Paris.

The Door


The Door

I am going to be late for my Dr's appointment. I did want to go to the Travel Agent's too. I'll ring the Doctor to apologise. There's a phone box. This door is heavy. I push harder, it opens, I fall in. Gosh it's dark in here.

"Who are you?" says a voice from the shadows.

Victoria Richards. I am in a terrible rush. The train was late. I want to make a phone call. I was going to book a holiday and I have an appointment for a blood test. Are you a doctor--

"Yes, I am The Doctor."

Yes, but doctor who.

"That is correct. I am Doctor Who."

Don't joke. I need to make a phone call.

"Of course, I can help you with your phone call and travel needs. Would you like interplanetary travel or time travel. I can arrange everything for you."

Travel? So, it's not a phone box or the Dr's.

I walk forward towards a light, -- no it can't be. It looks like the control panel of a plane so many flashing lights and screens.

The Doctor says, "You are my dear on the Star Ship Enterprise."

"That's OK then." I say to myself. "Where else would I be on a Monday morning on the way to the doctors."

I must have said the last bit out loud because The Doctor speaks again.

"That's correct my dear. The Doctor is here. I think you mentioned a blood test."

What? No. Let me get out of here. I want to open the door.

The door opens automatically. I run out into blinding sunlight and bump into a passer-by.

"Sorry, sorry, so sorry."

"No harm done. Now look where you are going in the future."

vendredi 16 août 2024



Que pensez-vous lorsque vous entendez "le Pacifique"?

Dans les années quatre-vingt, j'étais membre du mouvement anti-nucléaire. J'étais membre de plusieurs groupes, mais le plus important était le groupe intitulé «Femmes travaillant pour un Pacifique indépendant et pacifique». Une des choses que le groupe a fait était d'amener 9 femmes des îles du Pacifique en Angleterre.

Il y a eu une grande réunion à la mairie de Manchester où les 9 femmes nous ont raconté des histoires, des histoires horribles. Ils ont parlé des résultats que les essais nucléaires et l'immersion avaient faits sur les peuples. Ils ont tous posé la même question. Pourquoi vous, en Europe, ne saviez pas ce qui se passait? Cela faisait 40 ans

Le groupe a produit une vidéo et un diaporama intitulé "Nightmare in Paradise". J'avais un diaporama et je donnais des conférences et montrais les diapositives. C'était toujours difficile de le faire car je l'ai trouvé très émotif et j'ai dû essayer de ne pas pleurer parce que les effets du test étaient si horribles.

Vous verrez sur la carte qu'il y a des centaines d'îles. Cela semble autant que des étoiles dans le ciel. Mais la population comparée au reste du monde est petite.

Le pire et le plus triste, c'est que je crois que cela continue aujourd'hui. Près de 40 ans plus tard.



As I walk past an Italian Supermarket I wonder where I am. Yesterday in a supermarket I heard Robbie Williams singing angels. I spent the morning in an internet cafe. Surrounded by skyscraper flats and hotels it could be anywhere in the world. The noise of the traffic is deafening and fatiguing. A barefooted youth passes me carrying a surf board. I follow the youth. Is he going to the beach? No he's not so I change direction hoping to reach the beach and a more peaceful space. I glimpse the sea and quicken my steps. I wait 5 mins to cross the road. When I reach the beach the noise of the traffic beats the sound of the crashing waves. I wish I was a surfer at least I could escape the thundering traffic.

From hunger I almost enter a McDonald's but I opt instead for a restaurant. I take a table outside. Whilst eating my meal I watch a shoeless old man pass amidst the heavy traffic. He is pushing a handcart laden with rubbish. In the opposite direction a horse and cart driven by two young men whom I suspect would have been in school in many other parts of the world pass by. The cart is also full of rubbish.  

I back inside and order hot Amarillo, delicious. I look outside. It is raining again. It has rained for two weeks-since I arrived. I was told to bring warm weather clothes, beach clothes. I have spent one afternoon on the beach. The waves are too big to risk swimming and the under current grazes and bruises ones body as it drags one over the coarse sand.

I have bought lots of traditional rubbish but never expected that I would have to buy an umbrella.


Time Time Time


Leaving the doctor's surgery Alice knew she was fortunate that he had made time to see her. She knew that she didn't have much time today. Now she must use her time well.

'However', she thought, ' there is a lot of time before the train is due.' She wondered if it would be on time today because it was usually late. Alice decided to take time walking slowly to the station.

She passed several homeless people sitting on the pavement outside the station. ' None of them have any time to give, they are all rushing for a train,' she heard one of them say.

Alice reached in her pocket and took out the pound coin she kept for the supermarket trolly and threw it into the open violin case saying ' I have enough time today. In fact,' she said taking time to open her hand bag and finding her purse she took out a £5 note . 'I have more than enough time'.

Continuing her journey to the station she remembered that there was a book shop on the station. 'Great ' she mused. 'Book shops are always a good way to kill time. It will be time well spent too.'

At the station, in the crowd of travellers, she felt a hand on her arm. 'Do you have time to hear about Jesus? It will only take a few minutes. He can be with you for all time'.

Alice slowly lifted the hand away saying ' Sorry, today is not a good time.' and she walked quickly away and into the bookshop.

She walked around the shop taking time to read the titles. 'I won't have time to read a book on the train,' she thought. 'But what about a newspaper. Certainly not the The Times. It takes too long to read that. Along time ago I used to buy the Sunday Times. She gave it up because She didn't have time to read it all. Now a magazine would fit the bill. What about 'Time Out' .

War Time Memories


War Time Memories

I don't remember containers for waste food for chickens but I do remember "pig bins" in the street. This was during the war of course and I think for a few years after. Also in the street were air raid shelters. Huge concrete things. I can't remember them having doors but just door sized holes.

We, the kids, used to use them as play grounds. My memory of playing hospitals in them is very vivid. The beds were made out of house bricks. Not comfortable as you may imagine. We were all assigned roles, nurses, doctors and patients. I opted to be a patient but refused to lie on a brick bed. But you are a patient you have to lie in bed they said. In my ignorance I didn't know what the word patient meant but I though it sounded much more interesting than doctor or nurse.

I can't remember ever spending a night in a communal shelter. Oh no. We had a private shelter in the back garden. The council gave grants to people to build shelters. So armed with a plan and instructions my father who couldn't be described as a handy man set to. In spite of the jibes and laughter of the neighbours he built a very credible edifice which he furnished with bunk beds for all our family of six. On the first night of an air raid there was standing room only. The scoffing neighbours seemed to have no shame in packing into our shelter. I remember being held in my mother's arms as she stood unable to even sit down.




27th June 2019 So, thank you sun you have helped my water lily to open. How beautiful it is.

20th June 2019 The weather is not suitable for gardening, especially for cutting the grass. There is so much to do at this time of year so I went out this morning even though rain was forecast. The first few minutes were dry and I thought that the sun would shine. How wrong I was! It started to rain but was not too bad at first. Then the rain got heavier and then became torrential. Finally, the hailstones fell. I persevered because there are so many shrubs that need severe and drastic pruning. When I entered the house for lunch tired and soaked to the skin, I had to change my clothes. Is it worth it? Of course it is.

March 2019 How welcome is the arrival and sudden appearance of the host of golden daffodils accompanied by the forsythia and primroses. The garden appears to shine like the sun.

September 2013 It was the best of years and the worst of years!

It began with warm weather bringing every thing on rather too soon.

Next it rained. Then it rained some more. And just as we thought we'd had enough it rained even more. The plants were drowning and the grass was like a bog. Lawnmowers were defeated and their wheels spun until the lawns were ruined.

Then the sun arrived. It remained day after day. It was great. The grass dried out, the lawnmowers were repaired and the grass was cut. The sun remained. Walking on the grass was like walking over concrete. The benefit was no need to cut the grass for weeks. However the newly planted flowers and shrubs sulked and refused to grow.

June 3rd 2013 The last time I tried to upload photos to this blog it was impossible so I started a new blog. I thought I would try again as it is raining and I am reluctant to work in the garden.

March 2013 I planted flowers and now they are all drowning in their own little pools. If you click on the link below you can see the Rance in flood. I took the video in Dec 2011. It is much worse today.

May 2011 Finally after weeks of sun it has just rained. Not a lot but at least I don't have to water this evening. If it rains a little more maybe I will be able to put in new plants. I have just bought even more today. I was also given a dozen tomato plants, a pheasant tree and a tall blue flower ( I have forgotten its name already). Thinking I should make labels that do not disappear. I have started to list everything in the garden. I can't believe how many different kinds of trees I have (over 20) and the garden still seems empty.

May 2011 Rain forcast for tomorrow but not a cloud today. The beds I watered ready for the dahlias and seeds are so dry you can't tell that they have been watered at all.

It is interesting that the theme in the libraries is 'water'. We have painted fish in water, we have written poems about water, we have lectures and slides about fish and water. But no rain and the local lake has been drained. What is happening?

March 2011 The garden needs the rain and so do I. It means that I can rest and I don't over do it.

Dec 8th 2011 Video of snow

Feb 2011 Lovely sunny day today. I stacked some wood and cut more of the Pampas grass; when there is a big job to do I divide it in to parts and estimate how many days it will take me to do it. I looked at the pampas and saw a circle. I thought I could cut a quarter at a time. So I have done 2 quarters ie a half.

I cut out some of the dead wood from the Mimosa. The weight of the snow in the Winter broke some of the branches. I can't believe how tall it is and that I planted it. I must take some photos of the trees I planted to remind my self that trees do grow. Each time I plant something I feel sure that it will die. I never leave enough room for things to grow then I have to move stuff.




I am sure that you all recall when there was a Woolworth's in every town. Remember how they were all laid out the same. The counters were oblong enclosures with a server installed in the middle next to a till and surrounded by the goods.

I was a Saturday girl in Tunstall when I was about 15 or 16. I had a test which involved what one might call shopping sums. Most of it was easy but it ended with a long addition which I am sure I got wrong. I was never very good at mental arithmetic.

After a time I was promoted to the sweet counter. I knew it was a promotion without a pay rise because the manager was very serious about what was expected of me. She ended her explanation with a warning. "If ever you are caught eating it will be instant dismissal," she said. This didn't stop the girl on the next counter from bending down and almost crawling unseen to steal a handful of salted peanuts which were also by the sweets and my domain.

One day in the school holidays when I wasn't working in Woolworth's I went shopping in Hanley. I needed some white socks for school and thought obviously the best place to buy them would be Woolworth's. I found the sock counter quickly and purchased just one pair of white ankle socks. They were to wear when I played tennis, otherwise we had to wear grey knee length socks. Can you imagine young teenagers of today wearing grey knee length woollen socks.

So I paid for the socks and was surprised that the girl behind the counter handed them to me with out a bag. You may remember that goods in bags in Woollies was proof of purchase. "I am sorry," she said. "But I haven't any bags left."

I thought it would be OK and put them in my shopping bag, and didn't want to argue as I was in a rush to get the bus home so I walked very quickly almost running to the door which I supposed made me look suspicious. The floor walker stopped me at the door. I can't remember whether he was in uniform or not. I think not because I was surprised and not a little frighened of this burly man demanding to look in my shopping bag.

He took out the socks and accussed me of stealing asking,"Why are they not in a bag." I was terrified but managed to say that the girl on the sock counter had run out of bags. He sort of frog marched me to the counter and asked the girl on the counter if she had served me and why hadn't she put the socks in a bag. I saw immediately that it was a different girl.

"Oh you are looking for June? Sorry she has just gone on her break."

"Come with me," said the man and almost dragged me up stairs and pushed me into an empty room saying,"Now wait in there. I'll sort this out." and he closed the door. I sat down and looked around at the bare walls. I felt like crying and then I felt angry. "I have done nothing wrong and he is treating me like a criminal."

"I am not staying in here, " I thought so I jumped up and tried the door intending to leave but it was locked. I walked away from the door and noticed that there was a window. I tried the latch and guess what? It was unlocked. "Right," I thought, " I'll get out of here before he comes back." So I dragged the chair over to the window, stood on the chair pushed the window open wide climbed up onto the ledge leant over to look down thinking that this is easy when horror of horrors back comes the man, and would you believe it? He grabbed my leg and started to pull it. Just like I am pulling yours.

jeudi 15 août 2024



My Reincarnation as a Swallow 783

My mother had built a lovely warm nest lined with sheep's wool. When we, that is my brothers and sisters hatched out of our eggs our parents fed us lots of tasty insects which they caught on the wing. I thought that it wouldn't be easy to do this, but I would have to learn. I was one of six and I learned to fly quickly as did my brothers and sisters. One day I hopped out of the nest onto a nearby tree then I bravely flew from branch to branch then on to the next tree. After that I flew from tree to tree with my beak open and found it filled with insects. It was easier than I had it would be thought. Every night we returned to our nest to sleep.

It was a long hot summer. As the days passed I flew further away from my nest. There was always food and I found water to drink. It was a very nice life.

I noticed that groups of swallows were gathering together on the telegraph wires. I asked one of the older birds why were they doing that. He said that they were preparing to fly to Africa which was a very long way away. I asked why do they want to fly so far, why don't you stay here and explore this place.

Well he explained it's nice and warm now. Some days it is too hot. But hasn't your mother or father warned you that it will get cold infact it sometimes snows. The worse part is that the insects either die or hibernate so there will be no food. It freezes too and then there is no water to drink.

Do you have brothers and sisters.

Yes I do.

Then I suggest that you find your parents and your brothers and sisters so that you can fly with them.

They will meet with other families and you will be able to fly in a huge flock. You can't fly to africa on your own.

I thought to myself, why would I want to fly to Africa. At least not yet. It's warm and sunny and there are lots of things to eat. I will find my family and see what they are doing. I was shocked. My parents were getting ready to fly. They had gathered my brothers and sisters and told them where to meet with other swallows. They said they could stay here until the weather begins to change but they must be ready to go. When the days start to get colder you will see other swallows gathering on the telegraph wires. We will join them so that we will fly to Africa in a large flock.

Well the weather did get a little colder and there were fewer sunny days. Then one day I saw my whole family joining the flock. First my mother called to me to join them. Then my father saw my reluctance and berated me telling me of the dangers of staying. I said nothing but as I was having a lovely time eating well and always finding water I told myself that they were foolish. I ignored their cajoling and one day I watched them fly away.

How could they leave me behind. Oh well the weather is still warm. I will leave when the weather changes. It did. I began to fly south on my own and when I reached the coast I landed in a field on top of a cliff. I became afraid. Two days later I couldn't fly because it was so cold my wings became frozen. How stupid I had been. What could I do now. I thought that I would die all because of my stupidity.

I couldn't even move to a place of shelter so I put my head down and wept. Just then a cow ambled along. Lifted her tail and shat on me. How much more could I suffer. But the cow pat was warm and I fell asleep. The cow ambled away and a crust formed over me. What luck. My little cocoon kept me warm all winter. One spring day the sun shone. I felt its warmth through the crust. I felt hungry. I'll peck my way out I thought. So I pecked a hole in the crust and poked my head out. I was so happy I began to sing.

Just then a large black cat heard me pounced on me and ate me.

You should go while the going is good.“

When you're in the shit up to your neck, there's nothing left to do but sing.” Samuel Becket

When you are in the shit and you like, it keep quiet.

If on a Winter's Night a Traveller


If on a Winter's Night a Traveller 618

I was lying on the couch and feeling down. I was missing my cats. It was the first time for years that I had been catless. I looked at my phone and saw that Marie Pierre had sent me a photo of Patch that morning. I scrolled down and looked at the photos that she had sent in the three years that I had been back in the UK. She was such a beautiful cat and I regretted that because of the pandemic it had not been possible to return to Brittany to bring her here with the other two. Now Bella and Cheeky were not with me anymore but I was pleased that Patch was still in Brittany. La ville Joly was surrounded by fields unlike here with just a handkerchief of a garden and a busy road.

I can't pretend that I don't miss her. I thought I could take the Eurostar to Paris and then and then- just thinking about it makes me tired. Every year, nay every week and every day I feel more and more tired.

Looking at the photos again I felt a bearable lightness of being. I rolled off the couch and stood up. It was midnight. The next thing I was standing in my garden. There are no wild things in this garden but propped up by the door is my old broom stick. Oh my god I thought why have I never thought of it before. In fact I was sure I'd left it in France. My familiar Sooty died years ago. Still flying alone wont be a problem. I 'll just nip into the house and check a few spells on my laptop before leaving.

Making myself invisible at short notice if necessary is easy. Without a cat (Sooty was quite a weight) I can take my tablet which will also be useful to check my route on Google maps. I donned my black trousers , black polo necked jumper and my old burbery rain coat which could fly out like wings. If spotted I would look like a bird.

Here I go. Due south to Birmingham then straight down to Poole where I used to get the ferry. Now cross the Channel to St Malo and on to St Meen Le Grand, follow the 164 then the D6 and finally the D16 to Merillac.

Where shall I land? Extremly loud but incredibly close music emanates from next door. It must be the neighbour's teenagers. If I remember correctly there is a good place by the pond, where Patch and I sat every morning to drink my first cup of tea. Flying over the tree where there was a cuckoo's nest I land neatly and prop my broom stick under the tree. It is a cloudless night and the full moon is reflected in the water.

Wouldn't it be ideal now if Patch came out to -hunt mice --. Shsh. I can hear faint mewing. Pss pss. Here, here. She jumps up and nuzzles me just as though I have never been away. She has dropped a mouse at my feet. I stroke her and hug her.

Marie Pierre opens the door of the house. I see her in a pool of light. She calls Patch, Patch psspss, here, here. Patch jumps down and pads away towards the house. The church bell tolls obviously for me. I comfort my self with the thought that I can return and and----

Stretching out and yawning my fleece falls on the floor. Even if it was a dream it was comforting to spend a few minutes with my beautiful Patch.

Photos photos photos


We arrived at J's eldest son's house and were warmly welcomed. I was shown to a bedroom and I think J' had a bedroom too. The two sons were probably bunked up together.

What I remember mostly about all the family visits was the abundance of photos, not only on display but album and videos. In fact o matter what we were doing J's son would leap up,grab his camera and start videoing.

Every single family we have visited started with looking at the photos on display and they are many. Next outcome the recent albums. Then the older albums and finally the boxful from under the bed or from the attic. The worst was when we arrived at Sao Vicente at 6 o'clock in the morning after an overnight coach journey. As you can imagine we were both shattered. All I wanted to do was sleep but of course Jocara was rejuvenated by seeing her son and his wife and her new baby granddaughter for the first time. We were given breakfast first, at least but then I couldn't believe what happened next.

First of all the photos on show, then the most recent albums. I though that that was enough for today. Then Jocara took photos of the baby sleeping in her playpen, having a bath etc. Then the real fun began. Wedding photos, whole albums of "honey money". Just as I was about to suggest a nap, a video of the wadding was shown. Oh well I though this can't be too bad can it ? Perhaps half and hour at the most. No way. It was at least 2/3 hours long if not more. We even had lunch while the video was running.

Then the mother in law arrived and suggested that we should watch the birth of the baby! No really, you videoed the birth. Oh yes! Every boring contraction and I mean every minute of the birth. of course it did not end with the birth oh no. The arrival of every visitor, the first attempts breast feeding and yes the second and third. The first bath in hospital. the first this the first that. They should video me, I might die of boredom whilst watching then they would have birth life and death on the same video. Thank Christ the child is only 7 months old.

The best and worse thing happened next. The sister's son Philip was sitting on my right and is training to be a lawyer . Jocara's sister is sitting on my left with a big box. Christ not more photo's I think. No, no not photos this time- baby clothes. Apparently they had been worn by J's son and then by the afore mentioned Philip. She held each one up and handed it to me, every single garment in the box. Tiny vests, nighties, rompers and hats the lot. She even handed the christening shawl to me. Each garment had been carefully folded and kept for forty years.

Now the christening! So it continues while we have tea.

Just when I thought I couldn't be more bored we were given the privilege of seeing the rushes. A mini, and I mean mini camera was set up. About twenty people strained to watch and listen to the day so far.

In the middle of the holiday we visited J's niece. I will write about this visit in more detail later.

J's niece had recently had twins, and guess what? Of course we went through the same scenario in double take. First of all the displayed photos were rather larger than the others as Rosa was a professional photographer. Then out came the albums and finally the videos of both births.

There was one compensation of staying with Rosa. She was ultra rich and had a personal cinema. It was like a lounge with a cinema size screen. I had the privilege of a private screening of "Frieda" a film about Frieda Karlo.

New Year 2022


New Year 2022

I am a Humanist so Christmas as most folks celebrate it leaves me not exactly cold but a little on the side lines. I don't send Xmas cards. I stopped sending them 20 years ago. I was a member of Friends of the Earth at the time and campaigning about the destruction of trees was paramount. One day I was in Partner's , standing next a veritable mountain of boxes of Xmas cards. How many trees have been destroyed to produce those I wondered.

So, not sending Xmas cards confuses or upsets some people. Sometimes I try to explain but often I think why should I. My next door neighbours are Jehovah's Witnesses so informing folks of that is all they need to say. Why should I have to go into explanations of my lifetimes philosophy and beliefs. I think it is sad that few people know what Humanism is, especially as our earth according to David Attenborough and many other scientists is doomed. The latest and biggest threat apparently which has activated many people and even big businesses is plastic. The production of and the fact that it is not biodegradable affects us all and its effect is leading to the demise of the oceans and all that lives therein. Let's not mention land fill. It really is depressing. I could go on about all this. All this, meaning the coming of the end of the world but Elaine mentioned festivities along with her suggestion to write about Christmas.

So of course with so many grand and great-grand children I can't ignore the Santa syndrome. I have even been known to dress up as the said gentleman. Jocelyn aged seven wasn't impressed. She shouted immediatley that I appeared so that everyone could hear, " It's Nanna Freda."

I received a much better reception in Brittany where I visited a number of homes without children. Funnily enough my disguise wasn't immediately uncovered and the adults were clearly delighted with my appearance. So it seems that adults are more open to a little bit of magic than children these days.

I do decorate my house and erect a tree. When I was in Brittany I was able to bring in a live one from my garden. I love lights. Winter can be dark and gloomy with few bright sunny days so I fill my house with lights. This is getting more difficult to do as the strings of lights are plastic. I hope it is not too hypocritical to do as I tell my self that I have had them for years and will have them for more years to come. I have lots of tee-lights but I am afraid they could start a fire. So brightening up winter is getting more difficult.

I do like Xmas food, nut roast with mushroom sauce, roast potatoes and loads of vegetables and Xmas pud and mince pies and Xmas cake and my favourite, sherry trifle. Did you notice that I didn't mention turkey. That is because I am a vegan. It used to be difficult being a vegan especially at Xmas but big business has recognised that there is a market for vegan food and most super markets have a vegan section. There are not many restaurants that do not have a vegan menu so eating out at Xmas is not a problem.

I feel more akin with the New Year. It feels logical and more exciting. Let's say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new. It is a time for reflection over the old and a look forward to the new. Making resolutions is a great idea isn't it? No matter that they are broken or forgotten almost as soon as they are made it shows that we have done some introspection and wish to make changes. We can always try again. I did begin to send New Year cards but therein lies the same dilema as Xmas cards as regards deforestation. PS

Which leads me to reflect that I make resolutions perhaps not daily or even monthly but frequently. I don't always keep them although, some I do. I think that it is important to reflect on ones life and to strive to improve ones behaviour. The best resolution I ever made was to give up smoking. I did this 35 years ago and that is one resolution I have kept.

My greeting for the New Year is always, I wish you Health, Wealth and Happiness. In Brittany it was important to know how many kisses to give, two to a new person, four for a friend or six for family or best friend for this reason we arrived early for meals which began at midday. As we kissed at the New Year's meeting in the Salle de Fete we said,"santé, richesse et de bonheur” with the addition of "surtout bonne sante."

My Life in French


Quand j'écoutais toutes vos autobiographies, je pensais que la mienne était très ennuyeuse. J'ai donc essayé de me souvenir. Ai-je déjà fait quelque chose d'intéressant?

Je suis né à Kidsgrove et j'ai vécu à Kidsgrove jusqu'à ma retraite. Donc 60 ans dans la même ville. J'ai cependant fait des vacances dans de nombreux pays., Suisse, France, Islande, Russie, Luxembourg, Belgique, Espagne, Brezil, Chypre et les Pays-Bas. Mais je n'ai jamais vécu ou travaillé en dehors du Royaume-Uni.

Alors c'était tout? Je m'intéressais à la politique. J'ai fait campagne pour obtenir le centre de loisirs et la piscine de Kidsgrove. Qui a maintenant été fermé.

J'étais un fervent membre du mouvement pour la paix dans les années 80. Je suis allé plusieurs fois à Greenham. J'ai visité de nombreux autres camps de la paix et participé à des nombreuses démonstrations manifestations. Ma plus fière action a été d'être arrêtée à Burtonwood pour avoir coupé la clôture.

J'ai joué avec l'idée de vivre dans une commune. J'ai passé 2 ans à visiter les communes du Royaume-Uni. Je n'ai rejoint aucun d'entre eux parce que je voulais vivre avec les gens que je connaissais déjà. Je faisais partie d'un groupe qui souhaitait créer une commune. Cela a échoué parce que la moitié du groupe voulait vivre dans une ville et l'autre moitié voulait un emplacement à la campagne.

J'étais membre d'une organisation appelée «Femmes Travaillant pour un pacifique nucléaire et indépendant».FREE Nous avons tenu des conférences et j'ai fait les diaporama que j'ai utilisées pour donner des conférences pour informer les gens des conséquences des essais nucléaires dans le Pacifique.

J'ai toujours été une personne intéressée par l'artisanat. J'ai tricoté, crocheté, tissé et teint la laine. J'étais membre et j'ai écrit le bulletin de la Guilde des tisserands, filateurs et teinturiers de Cheshire. Je suis allé à beaucoup d'expositions, j'ai pris des photos et cette fois-ci, c'était facile de les faire en diapositives. J'ai acheté un projecteur et un écran, puis j'ai donné des conférences à l'aide de mes diapositives. À un moment donné, j'ai quitté le textile et j'ai commencé à peindre. J'ai eu un modicom de réussite. Pendant quatre ans, mes peintures ont été acceptées lors de l'exposition annuelle des artistes locaux au Hanley Museum and Art Gallery.



You can't tell a book by it's cover

I arrived earlier than usual for the morning meeting at Denis Round Court. There is a seat near the entrance and this day I was pleased to sit by the black cat who is usually there and happy to be stroked. Our group leader Betty, normally arrived early and mounted a bell so that we could enter. I was happy to wait with the cat but was surprised as more members arrived before Betty.

Hilary was the first to appear at the top of the steps of a taxi/ ambulance being helped by the driver. It thought she was about to fall so I leapt up to lend a hand. I knew that she had recently given up driving but I didn't realise her lack of mobility was so great. I helped her to the seat. She seemed to find it difficult to hear me and asked me a few times,”What's your name?”

I have told her many times but I realise remembering names is not her forte. Her forte is her large vocabulary. She speaks three languages and was proffessor in all three. She has lived in Portugal, France and Spain. When I first met her she was already sitting at a table "Up Words" at the ready waiting for someone to join her. I played with her a few times but she became frustrated with me because I was too slow. This day she is helped inside to her usual place and beats every one who is willing to play but doesn't remember anyones name.

Disambiguation refers to the removal of ambiguity by making something clear. Disambiguation narrows down the meaning of words. This word makes sense if you break it down. Dis means "not," ambiguous means "unclear," and the ending -tion makes it a noun. So disambiguation is the act of making something clear.

mercredi 14 août 2024

Three Rooms for Kidsgrove Library

 This is my favourite room. It's red. Carpet, curtains and recliner settee, all red. On the recently painted cream walls are hung three photographs. One is of  a 12 foot sunflower in front of a stone house. A second is of Dinan a Medieval town in Brittany. The third is of a violin. On the piano are two photographs one me with two friends in France and a second me with my wonderful Bretagne  neighbour who lived to be 103 years old.

Standing in a corner is the television, with video and cd player. There is a small chest of  six drawers. Each of the six is packed tightly with home recorded cassette tapes. Remember those?  Nearby is a book case full of CDs, DVDs and videos none of which are played now since on Utube one can listen to every piece of music ever recorded. Concertos, symphonies, jazz, the latest everything, all at the touch of a button. 

But none of it gives me as much pleasure as I felt when I made music myself with my clarinet and violin which stand unused atop the now silent, out of tune piano.

Tucked away in another corner is the printer above which are placed my laptop and tablette, evidence I tell myself that I am a writer.

Best of all is my favourite red arm chair positioned by the French windows overlooking the garden which I and nature created from scratch. As I sit here in this chair which I bought in France I am reminded of the other garden. The one in France which I also created from scratch. The memories of a different time in my life. Sad memories of my lost garden maybe can be erased by this abundant, colourful little Eden. Nature heals.

I am in the living room of a Victorian Italianate monstrosity. This room has a huge curved-glass bay window, the panes of which would be difficult to replace. The windows are dressed with faded much too, short curtains. I look up at the  ornate ceiling which no-one can reach nor afford to paint. I walk across the wood-worm riddled floor boards which creak and I sense  ghosts. 

I notice the Epstein bust on the bookcase, then the Dresden dancer under a glass dome on the marble mantelpiece. The grand oil painting of the despised, slave-trading ancestor hangs on the dirty cream wall over the settee. He stares down at me with disapproving eyes. There are tartan rugs thrown over the leather couch and armchairs. Useful occasional tables and practical footstools abound but no dust. A monstrous antique arm chair, the cause of family feuds stands in the bay window. It is a  useless piece of furniture which has escaping stuffing and a protruding spring.  Looking out of the impressive window one can see trees, large forest trees. Back in the room in the far corner almost un-noticed  incongruously stands a television.

A Bedroom

It is a fitted bedroom. Is that a correct term. I am not sure. One wall is filled completely with two double wardrobes between which is a mirrored dressing table with multiple drawers. In front of the mirror stands a renowned example of Doulton pottery, a small pot depicting the Indian tree. Either side of this are gold and silver boxes which might tempt an observer to peep inside. They would be disappointed like the the suitors in the Merchant of Venice. There is not a lead one to reward the peeper.

On the opposite wall the five foot wide bed fits tightly between two single wardrobes with three cupboards over-head. There are light switches on each side of the wardrobes at pillow height for the overhead lights which are housed beneath the top cupboards.  All the furniture is cream as is the beautiful crocheted bedcover.

Over the bed and under the cupboards are three oil paintings. One is of a large single buttercup, a second is of a large pink clover and the third is of two pink lupins. All three are in gold frames. The head board has a narrow  shelf atop displaying – a Wedgewood donkey, three tiny glass elephants father, mother and baby and a small ceramic pot containing salt. You may ask what it is. People have asked assuming that it was cocaine.

There is little wall space left but what there is, is painted a delicate green. The expensive curtains of a subtle turquoise blue match ideally.

On the remaining wall hangs a large metre square collage of photographs of the owner's activities in the eighties.

There is a radiator under the window. The view through the window is of   thirty year old very tall trees. There are six or seven different species. They are different shapes and colours which contrast greatly with the monochrome of the bedroom.

A visitor once remarked that she couldn't believe that she was jealous of this bedroom. Personally I prefer the view from the window of the trees which manifest the changing seasons.I am in the living room of a Victorian Italianate monstrosity. This room has a huge curved-glass bay window, the panes of which would be difficult to replace. The windows are dressed with faded much too, short curtains. I look up at the  ornate ceiling which no-one can reach nor afford to paint. I walk across the wood-worm riddled floor boards which creak and I sense  ghosts. 

samedi 10 août 2024

Bear is Lonely


The Lonely Bear 2391

Once upon a time there was a bear. He lived by himself. Mostly he liked being by himself because it meant that nobody could tell him what to do. If he felt tired he could have a little snooze. If he felt hungry he could have a little snack. If he felt very hungry he could have a huge meal. Bear liked huge meals.

He liked fresh air too. When he needed fresh air he went for a walk in the woods. He would stop now and again and look up at the trees, breathe deeply and say, “ahh.”

Sometimes,not very often bear thought it would be nice to share things with a friend. Things like, “That was a lovely meal or look at that beautiful sunset.”

One warm summer day, the sun was shining through trees and making patterns on the ground. Bear lay under his favourite tree. He listened to the wind rustling the leaves and whistling through the grass. Suddenly he felt something touch his nose. He lifted his paw to feel what it was when the something spoke.

Pleezze don’t hurt me.”

I don’t want to hurt you but you are tickling my nose.”

Izzz thizzz better?” it said landing on his tummy.

Ho, ho, ho,” laughed bear, “it still tickles but at least I can see you now.

Hello Bear my name is Bee.”

Hello Bee, nice to meet you. I enjoy little chats. I do get lonely sometimes on my own.”

On your own? Why are you on your own when the woods are full of friends. I am busy all day visiting friends.”

You are lucky,” said bear, thinking that he would like to scratch his tummy. “Do you think you could sit somewhere else. You are tickling me.”

I’ll have to be off soon. I have many visits to make before sunset,” said Bee landing on Bear’s big toe.

Bear closed his eyes and scratched the place where Bee had been sitting. He breathed a big phew and nearly blew Bee away.

Do you think some of your friends would like to be friendly with a bear?”

Szszpose so,” said Bee moving to the other foot, but you will have to be more careful. You could blow them away with phew like that. Now I really must go otherwise I shall be late.”

Bee flew into a beam of sunlight and Bear lost sight of him.

He leaned back and looked into the sky. The sun was low and it was casting long shadows. “Well,well,well,” mumbled Bear and he rolled over and fell fast asleep. Bear often went to sleep when he had a problem which involved a lot of thinking. When he woke up it was evening. The air was still and the insects filled the wood with a low humming sound. He sat up, put his paws on his tummy and said, “Gosh, I feel quite empty.”

Rumble,rumble,rumble,”said Bear’s tummy.

Bear knew that it was going to be a starry evening.

Goody,goody,”he thought. “I can go for a walk in the moonlight. If I go to the pool I can play with my reflection in the water. Then I can lie back and count the stars.”

But first things first,” he said as his tummy gave another rumble.

He had been walking quickly and was quite out of breath so he stopped for a rest and sat down on a fallen tree. He leaned his back against a large oak tree. He wanted to think. He wanted to think about food. Before he had even started (he was a bit slow at thinking) he heard a voice in the tree.

Called for supper have you? I thought you might. I know bears are partial to honey.”

It was Bee. He lived in the tree.

I’d love to stay to supper. I can’t think of anything I’d like better than a nice piece of honeycomb.”

Bear licked his lips at the thought of it. Bee appeared from a hole in the trunk of the tree. He hovered in the air by Bear’s left ear.

It’s going to be a beautiful evening,” said Bee.

Yes, I am going to play with my reflection in the pool,” said bear reaching into the oak tree and scooping out a pawful of honeycomb. He ate it quickly and reached for another pawful.

Time to go for a few more visits before my friends go to bed,” buzzes Bee and disappeared.

Bear wiped his mouth with his paw then he licked it so as not to waste any honey. He felt much better now that his tummy was full and it had stopped rumbling.

I will just have a little rest before I go to play with the moon,” he thought.

"What a pretty sunset ,” he said as he looked at the red and pink sky. It will be warm and sunny tomorrow. He was good at forecasting the weather because he was careful to notice what kind of clouds covered the forest. He also noticed whether there was a wind blowing and if so which direction it was coming from. When the wind changed direction he knew that the weather would also change. Weather watching was a hobby. He spent a lot of time trying to forecast the weather..

BUT mostly Bear liked to eat. However just now he was feeling full of honey so he could concentrate on other things.

If I walk to the pool now I shall just reach it in time to see the moon rising.”

He set off at a slow pace and wondered about Bee’s friends. “If Bee has so many friends,” he thought, “surely he could share just one.” Bee had said that the forest was full of them but Bear couldn’t see any at all. “They must be in a different part of the forest,” he thought. He decided to visit Bee the next day to discuss this.

He reached the pool just as he planned. The moon was just rising. He lay down by the side of the water and gazed up at the stars. He new where to look in the sky to find the Great Bear. Then he searched for the Little Bear. It was a lovely feeling watching the stars twinkling up there so far away. It lead him to ponder about things. He wondered how big the stars were and how many there were and if other people lived out there on other planets.

Ouch!” said Bear as he tried to sit up only to find that his bum was numb because he had been lying on a stone. He managed to roll over and sit up. As he rubbed his bum he noticed that the moon’s reflection had appeared in the water. It was an enormous full moon.

Bear’s tummy felt quite wobbly as he looked at it. He dipped one paw in the water and moved it back and forth and made waves. He watched the waves ripple through the moon’s reflection. “The moon smiled,” thought Bear. “I am sure he likes it because it tickles.” So he did it again.

He put both paws in the water and moved them about to make bigger waves and watched the moon’s face laugh as the waves reached it. Bear expected to hear the sounds of laughter but of course it was only a reflection and the real moon was millions of miles away.

Turning his back on the pool, Bear put his paws on his knees and his head on his paws.

Oh I do wish I had a friend.”

He stood up and began to stamp home forgetting to look at the stars or to listen to the wind. When he arrived he went straight to bed. He curled up into a tight ball because he was sad and angry.


The next morning the sun streamed through the cave doorway and warmed Bear’s tummy and shone in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes first, then his tummy. He stretched out now because he didn't feel quite so sad or angry, not while he was basking in the sun.

Bear stood up feeling sure that this would be the day that he would find a friend. He went off in search of food for his tummy was telling him that it was breakfast time.

"If I go to visit Bee,"he thought, "I can have honey for breakfast and find out about Bee's friends."

He was eager to get there and didn't notice that the sun had gone behind a cloud. He sat down on a fallen tree and said, Do you think that I could stay for breakfast?"


Bear wondered if that meant yes or no.

"Did you say good morning? I can't quite hear," said Bear.

"ZZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZ Oh good gracious, I have overslept, "said Bee. He buzzed about Bear's head making him feel quite dizzy.

"Do settle down. Here sit on my paw."

Bear held ou a soft pad for Bee to sit on.

Bee landed lightly and Bear said, "That's much better. I really would like to talk to you about your friends and I ---------"

Bee flew up in the air, zoomed past Bear's nose and back into the tree."

"No need to be rude . I thought we could breakfast together and have a chat and -----------"

Bee flew out again, buzzed around Bear's head once and then away. He was soon a dot in the sky and then nothing. As he had passed Bear's left ear he buzzed, " I have to visit so many friends, the flowers you know."

As he passed bear's right ear he buzzed, " Help yourself to breakfast. Sorry I can't join you. The flowers will be waiting."

Bear scooped out a pawful of honey and said, " Well, what was that all about-- flowers indeed."

"Mmmmmmmmmm,mmmmm," Bear licked his paw.

"Lovely honey anyway," he said and ate his fill.

"Now I can think, he said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his paw, making sure not to waste even one drop of honey.

It had been difficult for bear to rush to Bee's home and to remember to ask the question he had planned to ask. It was impossible for him to understand the answers on an empty stomach. Now he was relaxed and had a full tummy. He leaned back and closed his eyes to help him to think.

"Flower, Bee, honey, pollen, nectar, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, flowers ,bees, honey, pollen, buny, honey, fleas, bowers, zzzzzz, peas, plowers, hollen, zzz, 2 and before he knew it he was fast asleep.

While bear was asleep more and more clouds began to cover the sun and then the whole sky. When there wasn't even a tiny patch of sky left it started to rain. The first drop just missed bear so he didn't waken. The next drop went splash right on the end of his nose. He opened one eye. Then another drop went splash on his paw and he opened the other eye. As the rain became heavier Bear started to feel uncomfortable. Usually he didn't mind the rain but today he was just too miserable.

"If only I had a friend to share everything with," he thought.

He tried to remember what he was thinking about before he had fallen asleep.

"Flowers, pollen, bees, honey-", he thought. "Bee needs to visit flowers to get the nectar to make the honey. That's why he visits the flowers. They are his friends because he spreads the pollen from one flower to another. "

He jumped to his feet."Now I get it." Then he sat down again thinking, But how does that help me? I can't creep inside a flower to take the nectar and get the pollen on my back. I couldn't even put one paw inside a flower."

Bear looked around. There were no flowers to be seen and the rain was falling heavily. All the flowers had curled their petals and hung their heads to shelter from the rain.

Bear decided to shelter from the rain too. He got up slowly and plodded to his cave. His shoulders drooped and the rain trickled down his face mingling with the tears which were now ousing from his eyes. He squeezed his eyes tightly but they still managed to trickle down his nose.

" No friends, not a soul in the world. Not even the sun or the wind and it is cloudy so there will be no moon tonight. Only raindrops to play with my tears."

Bear felt so sad. His knees bent and he leaned on a mossy rock. He lay down his head and cried himself to sleep.


Remember Bear was ticklish. He woke up because something was tickling his fur. He smiled then giggled then rolled over onto his back and roared with laughter.

"Hey, do be careful, you'll break my tendrils, " a voice whispered.

"What, who, where?"

"I can't see anyone and can only feel that I am being tickled all over."

He wriggled his arms and legs again, still laughing.

"I am sorry . I didn't mean to be a nuisance but I grow so quickly when it's sunny and rainy. It is difficult to know exactly where my tendrils going."

"Please don't be sorry. It's lovely being tickled. A few minutes ago I was sad and now I can't stop laughing. Please tell me your name."

"My name is Honeysuckle. Iwould be grateful if you would try not to break my tendrils."

"Of course, "said Bear carefully removing every single tendril from his fur. He sat up and saw the many smiling faces of the Honeysuckle which were dancing in the warm air."

"Honeysuckle, what a wonderful name, Honeysuckle."

Then he said in a quiet voice, "Honeysuckle, will you be my friend?"

"Of course if you promise not to break my tendrils," said Honeysuckle.

Bear rolled over again and again and laughed and laughed.

At last he had found a friend.

The Computer Speaks


January 2nd 2024 8.53

Happy New Year to you my dear computer user. Why don't I call you by your name you ask? Which name would that be? Your non-de-plume?

Your Facebook name? Your college name? Yes I do know your 'real' name but from now on I shall call you computer user. I should really call you computer abuser.

So let's start this new year with a few home truths. First of all it's not my fault if you forget what date it is. Open your eyes and read it. It's at the bottom left of the page in big letters when you open me. Secondly it's not my fault if you can't find the story you wrote yesterday, or the piece you wrote for the writing group, or the new post you wanted to put on Facebook, or the new stuff for your blog. Furthermore it's not my fault if you can't even find your blogs.

The problem my dear computer abuser is that you do not remember where you have saved things. You are not consistent. Oh yes I know you try you even bought a new computer just for writing. How did that turn out ye? I bigger muddle than ever.

Now just to get some things straight. You have been told this before by Richard for one and your son. What is the common denominater of all your difficulties. Yes, you. Yes, you. I suggest you make an effort to save things correctly. Keep a note book and write down for example: Date-Title-Place . So what are you going to do now and I do mean now, this minute. It's like the pandemic -face – safe -something or was it -mask

-flask -task , no that's wrong. I don't know it wasn't me who could get the virus. Yes yes I could get a virus, a computer virus but I have anti-virus protection unfortunaely it does not not protect me from abusers like you. I know what you did with your first computer. How do I know? Because you have written about it numerous times; on Facebook, in your blogs and in emails. Oh that leads me to another thing. Why oh why don't you record email addresses in the email address book that I have provided for you.

Where are you going to save this?

To the Moon and Back Dreaming


Dreaming 977

Rachael was lying on the massage table with her face awkwardly positioned in the hole which was supposedly designed to facilitate comfort. She had been working long hours in a stressful job and it seemed that her whole body was one huge Gordian knot. It was obvious however from the oohs and aahs that she was enjoying the experience of the massage.

After what seemed to Rachael five minutes but was in fact thirty, Elizabeth the massage therapist bent over Rachael and said quietly, “ I am going to leave you now to relax for a few minutes before you dress.”

Rachael opened her eyes and looked down expecting to see the floor but instead could only see what seemed to be a mist. 'OMG,” she said out loud. “I am blind.”

Here I was tempted to write “Fear not,” said the guide but my better judgment resisted.

A voice from the apparent mist said,” It's not mist you are lying on a cloud.”

Who, what, where are you?” said Rachael feeling sort of floaty but also rather stupid because she was talking to she knew not what.

I am your thaumaturgist. Stand up and look around you. You really are in the clouds and no you won't fall through. They are fairly substantial and you are very light, almost weightless.”

Rachael did stand up and look around. “What in the name of god am I doing up here?”

Obviously nothing at the moment. I can help you to do anything you like. Oh, and my name is Elisabeth but you can call me Liz.”

Do whatever I like? I am standing in the clouds and talking to a thauma, therma whatever you are --”

Thaumaturgist. Would you like me to make some suggestions?”

Rachael sat down and tried to think but nothing came to her.

OK,” said Liz. “I can take you back to meet anybody in the world who is deceased.”

Rachael seemed to get herself together and began to enjoy herself. She began rolling around on the clouds.

For goodness sake stop that. You are wasting time and think what do you want to do.”

That is an awfully big brief. I don't think I want to meet my family, my mother or father or sister or brother but may be my son. No that wouldn't be--- I know I have always wanted to converse with famous writers. But then I do read about them.”

Oh for goodness sake will make up your mind. You are wasting my time. Let me make a suggestion. You can go anywhere in the world in fact anywhere in the Universe.”

Really anywhere in the Universe?”

That is what I said, please make a decision.” Liz thinks, “Human beings drive me crazy. I don't know why I do this job. Maybe I'll ask for a transfer.”

OK how do you fancy a trip to the moon?”

A trip to the moon, a trip to the moon, really a trip to the moon you can do that?”

I just said so didn't I? I take it that, that is a yes.”

Here we go then, Hold my hand.”

I am flying, really flying. Rachael started singing “Fly me to the Moon, and let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars.

Just be satisfied with the moon. Jupiter or mars for goodness sake.”

There is the earth below.”

Yes it is,”said Liz thinking where did she think it would be up above.

They floated down and landed gently.

It is not made of cheese then,” said Rachael.

How old are you? Of course it's not made of cheese and no there isn't a 'man in the moon' either.”

Sorry,” said Rachael, “I was only joking.”

Now then where would you like to go ? “

Well as I know nothing about the moon why don't you suggest somewhere?”

OK, There are many seas. I will list the positive ones. There is the sea of tranquillity. The sea of of cleverness, the sea of fertility, the sea of knowledge, the sea of nectar and dozens more. There are lots of lakes too. The lake of goodness, the lake of excellence, the lake of happiness, the lake of joy, and more . There are also valleys and mountains and bays.”

How can I choose? There is too much to choose from. Why don't you choose for me?”

Ok, I choose the Sea of tranquility as that is suppose to be how you feel after you have had a massage.”

Liz took Rachael's hand and they floated up and across the surface of the moon and landed gently by the sea of tranquility. Rachael immediately lay down and fell asleep. Liz flew away thinking, that is the last time I work with humans. They are sooo stupid.

The massage therapist leaned over Rachael and whispered, “ Are you ready to dress now? I hope you went somewhare nice in your dreams.”

Rachael muttered something like, “To the Moon and Back.” sat up and began to dress.

The term  masseuse is a French word that refers to a female who practices massage. (Males in the industry were known as masseurs.) However, due to certain unsavory connotations (as well as the need for more gender neutral terminology), both male and female massage practitioners go by the term “massage therapist”.17 Aug 2022

thaumaturgist thaumaturgy is the  purported capability of a magician to work magic or other paranormal events or a saint to  perform miracles. It is sometimes translated  into English ...

as wonderworking. A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a "thaumaturge", "thaumaturgist", "thaumaturgus", "miracle worker", or "wonderworker".  Wikipedia