jeudi 18 juin 2020

I love the term that Arnold Bennett used, "The interestingness of ordinariness". 
I have subscribed again to Mslexia. When reading the stories I find myself puzzled by the vocabulary used. It feels contorted, strangled and bizarre. I used to think that it was just me and I couldn't think or didn't know enough words to write this kind of literature. I thought that my straight forward simple use of language was poor and pathetic. I was puzzled by the prize winning stories which I could barely understand which used words I had to look up in the dictionary.
The classics novels and poems, I can understand. Is it a modern fashion, some kind of, "We need to be different trend, or look how clever we are?"? 
So I have stopped torturing my brain trying to think of  unusual words and I have returned to my old way of just letting the writing flow.

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