Mélancolie d'ailleurs sans tristesse et nuancée de vive espèrance. Car à l'idée de la froide mort hivernale, se mêle, consolante, celle d'une prochaine résurrection, comme si derrière décembre qui s'avance sous les branches chargées de frimas, parmi les herbes flétries, déjà l'on devenait, à l'horizon lointain, avril inquiète et couronné de fleurs nouvelles
Nothing is more beautiful than a beautiful autumn, season favourite of painters and poets, who love it ; some because of the purple complexions of which October decorates the front of the woods; the others because of the feeling of melancholy delusion that evokes this smile of the year.
Melancholy, moreover, without sadness and nuance of lively hope. For the idea of the cold winter death is mingled with the comfort of the next resurrection, as if behind December, which is advancing under the branches laden with frost, among the withered weeds, we already became, the distant horizon, April worries and crowned with new flowers.
Paul Arène, Contes et nouvelle de Provence (Plon).
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