dimanche 19 juin 2022

Iris in Fairy Tale Land

 Iris was staying at her Nana's for the Summer Holidays. It was quite late when she arrived on the first day because she had travelled from England to Brittany where Nana lived.

"I think we should have supper and a bedtime story. We can get up early in the morning and after breakfast you can explore outside in the garden."

So, when Iris was tucked up in bed Nana opened the big book of Fairy Stories that she always read for the grandchildren. 

“Can I just sing you a new song I learned in school last week," said Iris.

"OK. Then one story and eyes closed."

" It's called, "The Crocodile"

"She sailed away on a sunny, sunny day on the back of a crocodile.

You see," said she," he's as tame as tame can be I'll float him down the Nile.

The croc winked his eye as she waved her friends goodbye wearing a happy smile.

But at the end of the ride, the lady was inside,

And the smile was on the crocodile."

"Very funny," said Nana. "Now don't go dreaming about crocodiles."

"I won't," said Iris as she snuggled under the covers and closed her eyes.

 Before Nana had barely begun to read Iris was fast asleep. She drew the curtains, closed the book, put it on the bedside table and crept downstairs.

It was about midnight when Iris turned over and felt a heavy weight on her legs. She sat up and was surprised to see a big black cat sitting on her legs and staring at her. "It's OK. Don't be afraid. I have come to invite you to a wedding."

"Our wedding," said the huge white owl which seemed to appear from nowhere. "You see," said the cat, "By the way you can call me Pussy, you see we renew our vows when there is a full moon in the summer.  We do it every year."

"Would you like to come to our wedding. I know you didn't expect an invitation to a wedding on your first night, but we need your help".

Iris was, what shall I say stunned, shocked, surprised and it must have shown on her face because Pussy said, "Oh dear maybe we should ask someone else to help.

" The Owl butted in," You know very well there is no-one else to help. I am sure she will do an excellent job.

"Of course, I would like to help," said Iris now interested and a little excited, "How can I be of service?"

"OK, here is the situation. We got back yesterday from the land where the Bong tree grows and where we bought the ring from the pig who stood in the wood. Now we want to get married again by the light of the moon, tonight. We, that's Owl and me have a lot of preparations. I shall get the food ready, and Owl wants to practise a new tune on the guitar."

"Right, so what is it that you want me to do?"

"I, er, we, would like you to remind people to come. Here you are. Here is a list. All the animals on the list live in Nana's garden. They know the routine. They come every year, but they need reminding."

Iris took the list which she read out loud. " The 3 Little Pigs, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff, The 3 Bears and The Princess and the Frog and Winnie the witch. Great. How will I find them?”

I have drawn a map. It is quite simple. I will explain everything. I suggest the 3 little pigs first. They live in the wood. Here in the top right had corner, I have marked it with a cross. Then go to the small pool with the bridge. I have marked a cross there too. Go over the bridge and you will find the 3 billy goats gruff there eating the grass. Probably your next bet will be the 3 bears. They live in the old stone barn. You know where that is. Next, I suggest the Princess and the frog. They live on either side of the very small pond. Again, marked with a cross. Last but not least go to the Willow House where you will find Winnie. She is sometimes a bit grumpy, but she will give you a lift on her broomstick to the wedding ceremony."

" What is that big round thing that says danger in big red letters?" asked Iris. 

"Oh, sorry about that, should have told you. That's where the crocodile lives. He eats most things. Animals, humans, in fact anything that gets near to him. But most of us who live here in this garden know about him and never ever go near the big pond. Now off you go there is no time to lose.”

With that, the Owl and the Pussy cat disappeared. “Where have they gone? Oh well, I'd better get cracking,” Thought Iris, but I'm not going to go near the crocodile, no sir". And off she went on her quest. Outside she looked at the map again and proceeded to the wood. She had been in the wood many times, but she had no idea that the 3 Little Pigs lived there. As she stood at the edge wondering which path to take one of the little pigs appeared. “What do you want little girl," he said. “You haven't seen the Big Bad Wolf, you? "

No, no I haven't seen the Big Bad Wolf. I have come to remind you about the wedding. The Owl and the Pussy Cat's ---”

“Yes, yes, we know all about the wedding. We go every year, but you be very careful, he eats little girls you know.”

“Who does?" said Iris. “The big bad wolf,” said the pig and went into the wood calling for the other two pigs. “Come on you two, we are going to the wedding again.”

Then he appeared  again and shouted, " Don't go to the big pond."

Iris turned and ran down the path as marked on the map to the small pond with the bridge. She started to walk over the bridge. " Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?"

" Oh no," said Iris out loud. "They didn't tell me the Ugly troll was still here."

"Who are you calling ugly little girl?"

"No, no, I didn't mean, I am so sorry. Do you know about the wedding? Maybe you would like to come to a wedding. It must be really boring living under a bridge and repeating the same old, same old. Who's that trip trapping, blah blah--"

"Whose wedding is it and where is it?" said the Troll interrupting Iris.

"The Owl and the Pussy Cat are getting married tonight in this garden. There will be music and dancing and lovely food. It will be great. But if you want to come you must promise that you will let the Three Billy Goats Gruff come over the bridge without harassing them. You don't want Great Big Billy Goat Gruff to throw you in the water, do you?"

The Troll ducked under the bridge muttering something which Iris took to be a promise.

She went over the bridge into the field where all the Billy Goats had stopped eating grass and were staring at Iris. Great Big Billy Goat said, "What on earth did you say to the Troll. Why didn't he eat you?"

"I am afraid I called him ugly, but I did invite him to the wedding. You are invited too. The Owl and the Pussy Cat are getting married by the light of the moon tonight. The Troll has promised to let you all come over the bridge."

All 3 Billy Goats jumped up and down a few times then ran to the bridge where they stopped. "Are you sure he will let us pass?"   Iris wasn't at all sure. She had never dealt with a Troll before, but she said," Of course, he promised."

Just then the troll reared his head and roared loudly, as only Trolls can and said," Over you go. Quickly now before I change my mind."

" I had better go and find the 3 Bears," thought Iris. Great Big Billy Goat Gruff turned back and shouted to Iris. "What about the Big Bad Wolf, he likes to eat little girls."

"So, I've been told. But I haven't seen him or heard him tonight. I am going to visit Winnie the witch later. Do you think she will be able to deal with him?"

"Worth a try," he said. "And keep away from the big pond."

The 3 Billy Goats gruff who were followed at some distance by the Troll, went on their way and Iris went to the old barn to find the 3 Bears.

She knocked on the door and then pushed it open. She wondered if the Bears were dangerous. Goldilocks obviously thought so. I wonder where she is now.

"Who are you and what do you want?" said a bear that Iris assumed was Daddy Bear. He was enormous. "My name is Iris. I am staying at my Nana's house, and I have come to remind you to go to the wedding. The Owl and the Pussy Cat are getting married tonight by the light of the moon."

" Are you sure that you haven't come to steal our food and sleep in our beds like that Goldilocks girl?"

"And she broke my chair," said Baby Bear who appeared behind Daddy Bear.

"Of course not. My name is Iris, not Goldilocks. Please come to the wedding. There will be music and dancing and food and everything."

"I will tell Mummy Bear. She will want time to get ready for a wedding. So off you go and see you later. Oh, and by the way, be careful of the Big Bad wolf. He likes to eat little girls and don't go down to the big pond."

Iris was beginning to think that there must be a reason why all the animals were asking about the BBW. If he is in this garden and if he does eat little girls, then I should be afraid and be more careful. She asked herself whether she should go to find the witch first or the Princess and the Frog.

She looked at the map and decided that as the little pond was nearer than the witch's house, she would go there first but she ran as fast as she could anyway. They were there, on either side of the pond. She overheard them talking.

"I am not a prince," the frog was saying.

"That is quite obvious, and what's more you look more like a toad than a frog. And for the hundredth time I do not want to kiss you."

Iris secretly agreed but didn't say anything. Instead, she said, "Why not come to the Owl and the Pussy Cat's wedding. I have come to remind you. There will be music and dancing and food. It is tonight because of the moonlight."

"Yes, yes we know. We go every year. Have you seen the BBW? You should be careful. He eats little girls," they both said.

Iris turned around and walked back up the path without checking the map. "Now where am I? I thought I knew this garden."

A cloud, a big dark cloud covered the moon and Iris could no longer see the map. "I seem to remember the big pond is this way so I will go in the opposite direction I don't want to meet the crocodile."

Iris felt lost and said to herself that this was all very silly and that she knew every inch of this garden, after all it was Nana's garden, but she didn't know that all these animals lived here too. She sat down on a log to think. It is very quiet thought Iris but just then she heard crying. 

"Who's crying, are you alright, are you in pain? Can I help? Aren't you coming to the wedding is that why you are crying?"

"Little girl, you should not be in this garden at night, and you are on your own too, aren't you? You know that a BBW lives here, and he eats little girls."

"Yes, yes, so everybody says but I haven't seen him. Anyway, why are you crying? "

"I haven't been invited to the wedding?" Iris heard the crying turn to sobs.

"OK, no need to cry I will take you. I can't see you. It is very dark?"

"That's alright, you sit tight, I will take you. Hold on now."

Just then the clouds cleared, and Iris looked up to see the moon and--

"Damn, damn, damn, it's that wicked witch, " said the crocodile.

"Iris, jump on my broomstick. Why are you sitting on the crocodile? " shouted Winnie as she landed next to the crocodile.

What? A crocodile? No, no I am sitting on a log. Who is crying?”

Have you never heard about crocodile tears?”

Be quick. Hold tight,” said Winnie.” Iris jumped on the Broomstick and looked down to see a crocodile with big tears rolling down his face.

Winnie and Iris sailed up and up and glided past the full moon. She looked down and by its light saw the wedding taking place. They were all dancing. The Three Little Pigs, The Three Bears, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Frog and The Princess and even the Troll. She could hear the Owl singing and playing his guitar.

Wait for me. Save me some mince and slices of quince. I want to eat from a runcible spooooooon.”

Iris woke up with a start, sat up, yawned and rubbed her eyes. “No, I haven't seen the BBW,” she said.

Nana drew back the curtains with a loud swish and the bright sunlight flooded the room. “What did you say? Good morning. Come along now, we have lots to do today. Grass cutting, weeding, flower picking and, and---"

"Do you mind if we don't go into the garden today,” said Iris rubbing her eyes.


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