I have just read a short story with a critique. The crit talked about rules for short stories. I didn't realise that there were any. So I looked on line for short story rules and found this.
1. A good short story should not contain a single wasted word. The reader should feel confident that the writer is in complete control of the story at all times. There should be no mystery, no element of chance in the writing of a short story. A short story is not a journey of discovery.
### I disagree. Why no mystery? Why no chance? It could be a journey of discovery.
2. In the short story, setting is everything. Appropriate settings for short stories include mountain tops, haunted council estates, low Earth orbit, enchanted forests, 1980s job centres, France, protest marches, swingers’ parties, alternate dimensions, a summer evening in the writer’s youth, The American West, radio newsrooms, and World War 2.
#### I agree to a point but I have read good short stories when the setting is a mystery.
3. Avoid boring your reader. Consider breaking up long paragraphs with dialogue, or descriptions of the weather. If the scene you are writing doesn’t contain dialogue or weather, think about changing the location and adding extra characters. Or have someone go outside and start talking to themselves.
#### Well that is obvious. Why would any writer want to bore the reader?
4. Always start a scene in the middle of the action. Or better yet, after the action has already finished.
#### What the hell does that mean?
5. Dogs and birds are not good subjects for short stories. If you are determined to write about dogs or birds, consider poetry or the novella format. Horses, on the other hand, almost always improve a short story.
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6. If in doubt, describe things. Furniture. Clothes. A building. Someone’s hair. The consistency of a sandwich. Extensive descriptions will distract all but the smartest readers, allowing you to get away with poor characterisation, clunky plotting and weak prose. They can also help to bulk out that all-important word count.
I got this far 6 out of 24 and realised it was joke. But I did want to find out what people thought were the rules.
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