jeudi 26 mars 2020


The weather is almost Summer-like. Bright sunshine and clear blue sky for a week now which make it frustrating because I really want go out for a walk. Yesterday I sat in the garden  and the sun was really hot. The pest next door was playing music. Horrible music. I tried to set up my cassette play to play some of my tapes but it has a French plug and the batteries are spent.
I am tempted to go to the shop in the hour which is open for self isolating people but since the text from the government ordering me to stay in I obey. Obviously food is or will be the biggest problem. I don't want to depend on other people because they need to limit outings outdoors. 
Trying to be independent I spent much of yesterday on line trying to order from Tesco's and Sainsbury's and Morrison's. Hopeless waste of time. So I resorted to asking Richard. Ruth, Richard's wife who works for the NHS offered to use the special slot allotted  to NHS workers, to get my shopping. 

Image result for images stuffed cabbage leaves
 The stuffed cabbage leaves are great. I have eaten them for 2 days and put the rest in the freezer.

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