lundi 10 mars 2025

The Twelve Days of Spring

 The Twelve Days of Spring

On the first day of Spring time my garden gave to me.

One happy hellebore and a robin in a fig tree.

On the second day of Spring time my garden gave to me 

Two droopy snowdrops and robin in a fig tree.

On the third day of spring time my garden gave to me,

Three purple pansies and a robin in a fig tree

On the fourth day of Spring time my garden gave to me,

Four furry catkins and a robin in a fig tree.

On  the fifth day of spring time my garden gave to me,

Five  gold bees -----------------------------

On the sixth day of springtime my garden gave to me,

Six silver squirrels and a robin in a fig tree.

On the seventh day of springtime my garden gave to me,

Seven slimy snails and a robin in a fig tree.

On the eight day of spring time my garden gave to me ,

Eight  wriggly earthworms  and a robin in a fig tree.

On the ninth day of springtime my garden gave to me

Nine caterpillars and a robin in a fig tree.

On the tenth day of springtime my garden gave to me,

Ten tiny tadpoles  and a robin in a fig tree.

On the eleventh day of springtime my garden gave to me,

Eleven  bright blue eggs. 

On the twelfth day of springtime my garden gave to me

Twelve blue-tits tweeting and a robin in a fig tree.

And someting ate the fucking figs.

Fig Tree

   My   Fig Tree

I have a great big fig tree,

Nothing does it bear,

Not a golden apple,

Or a silver pear.

I have a great big fig tree,

In Spring the buds appear.

Still no golden apple 

Or a silver pear.

I have a great big fig tree,

In Summer leaves occur,

Still no golden apple,

Or a silver pear

I have a great big fig tree

Autumn hues bring cheer,

Still no golden apple,

Or a silver pear.

Now it's Winter- time,

Robins, blue tits, sparrows, come to visit me,

And all because of my great big fig tree.

Still no golden apple,

Or a silver pear.

And no fricking figs either. 

Latest news on my great big fig tree.

It's six years old, and very tall'

It leans against the wall

Up to the roof it reaches,

No sign of fluffy peaches,

Golden apple or silver pear,

but two tiny little figs.

Yes two fucking figs it does bare.