Patch's Story Chapter 4
The Boss tries to clean up the mess. And it is a mess. Plaster and water is not easy to clean up. Anyway what's the point the water is still dripping. She puts buckets down because it is coming from more than one place. The problem is I heard her say, that she still can't find the source of the leak.
She has spent a lot of time on the phone and someone suggested that she should contact the insurance company. I heard her say that she was reluctant do do that. She had changed companies about 18 months ago. The first thing that happened then was we had a fire.
I remember it well. It was New Year's Eve. She had been to a friend's to celebrate and came back to a smoke filled house. Me and my 2 sisters had stayed upstairs so we were OK. There was only smoke damage. Well I say only smoke damage but anyone who knows will tell you that it's no joke. It took days to clean the walls. Helen tried but it was impossible. The insurance company engaged decorators to paint all the downstairs walls. Then they insisted on taking all her clothes to be dry cleaned because they smelled of smoke and they brought them back in polythene bags.
I know all this because as I have said before, I hear everything. She discussed it with her friends and she decided to call the insurance company who sent someone round to look at the damage. Then it got complicated. I am not sure why, something about, they could pay for this but not that. But it involved many visits from various plumbers, insurance people and assessors. I heard the word expert so many times that I thought if they are experts why can't they find the leak and get it all sorted.
What a situation! Drip, drip, drip, and still surrounded by boxes. I'm OK. I am still able to sleep in my favourite spot but I am worried about her. She seems very upset. Well I don't blame her. The water is turned off and she can't use the lavatory. Not that that has stopped the drip. There is a kind of toilet in the shed. I know because there is a chair with a container under it. I have seen her empty the container. She empties the contents on the compost heap.
Yesterday things got worse. That French man came with another so-called expert to inspect the beams which were now exposed because of the fallen ceiling. He was looking for 'infestation' apparently. The Boss was furious. She told him in no uncertain terms to clear off. At least I assume that's what she said because she spoke loudly in French and pointed to the door.
The next day the French woman came. I didn't understand everything because they kept speaking in French. I know they were discussing dates but why I don't know and still the boxes remain.