lundi 2 janvier 2017

New Thinking

Jan. 2nd I have just read some old posts and realised that I complain too often about lack of energy and tiredness.
SO no more complaints.  Why do I expect to never feel tired or to never lack Energy?

I did two necessary but distasteful  jobs today. Paperwork  is now up to date and ironing is all done.
While I was at my desk  I had a eureka  moment. I found some old letters and short story criteria.  There were also some notes and quotes which stimulated me into thinking about writing again.

dimanche 1 janvier 2017

New Years Day 2017

This winter I have returned to listening to the radio and writing. I feel as though my soul has re-entered my body. Or perhaps I am learning  how to  be aware of external stimulus  and balance it with my internal monologue  of ideas and bodily emotions.
Should this be so insightful  at my age?
Anyway I have decided to spend more time thinking and writing. I have looked at my short stories and think I shall publish them. Not because I think they will sell but because I believe that  one should  always have a project. It will be very satisfying  to see my stories in print.
Winter gives me more time in bed when I waken in the morning. Instead of leaping up eager to get in the garden the dark mornings allow thinking time. It is such a luxury being retired.
This morning I thought I would begin a text about my life from the angle of thoughts in the form of a stand up performance.